Lying Down With The Great Smurf..Apostate Expose'!

by Valis 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis


    District Overbeer

  • Windchaser

    These pics got me almost as horny as the veggie ("Didn't your mama ever tell you..") post did. Thanks for sharing.

  • scootergirl

    Horny? I got the heebie-jeebies looking at that HUGE Smurf

  • outnfree

    That's Elsewhere? HUBBA HUBBA!


  • Xena

    I always wondered about him.....the way he kept asking me if I have ever "gone blue"....and saying stuff like "once you DO blue...there is no going back"....

    it all makes perfect sense now.................

    btw is the BIG blue one seeing anyone else besides else? you think they might be up for uuuuummmmm you know a three-way????

  • Valis

    Xena, you know dam well any smurf that lives under my roof would be up for a threesome...I raise them up along that path of righteousness. Else must have enjoyed it..he left $20 on the table before he left this morning....BTW, corn dog you didn't ask permission to pay for spiritual food or otherwise....don't make me son!!!


    District Overbeer

  • MegaDude

    Well, this all makes sense now. I remember seeing a naked smurf in Elsewhere's wrecked car, which explains how the accident probably happened.

  • Dutchie

    Elsewhere? That's Elsewhere? Cute as can be, both he and the demon Smurf!

  • Valis

    AND you notice Brother Elsewhere has yet to confess his sins? These photos may require action by a Judicial Committee. The smurfs and Gargamel feel very guilty about the whole thing and have repented several times this morning uder means of inquisition and torture...mainly playing old district convention recordings over and over again. Cruel yet effective. heheh Hey else, thanks for coming over and sharing in the bad associsation. Lets keep our eyes on the 4th of July weekend prize as well..


    District Overbeer of the "smurf porno maker" class

  • Mac

    Back in my day it was those damn sensuous trolls, with their naked soft round bellies, dimpled knees and long flowing hair. Father forgive me for i have sinned( says 10 hail Rutherfords, and all is forgiven}

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