I honestly don' know for sure.
In Acts 10 Peter has a vision where a sheet is lowered from heaven and the Spirit says to him: "Rise Peter and eat!" (Ac. 10:13) I kid you not that day I had almost EXACTLY the same kind of vision -- but what I saw was a saucer with a half can of tuna (not enough food to survive on!) and ...
So on the second day of the convention - unemployed and estranged from my wife - my thoughts were heavy on the unfairness and unkindness of the Special Pioneer woman and of Jehovah's Witnesses, in general. I walked into the Gator Bowl so late that I could not get a seat inside the stadium. In fact the organizers had lined the corridors with chairs, and I ended up with a seat so far back that I couldn't even see inside. Didn't matter, I was really troubled about being there, in the first place.
At 2:00 p.m. a new speaker took the stand to give a "Talk". (the Society's name for the lecture/sermons given from the pulpit by "mature brothers" - usually elders) I don't remember the subject of the talk, but right in the middle a mental image popped into me head, accompanied by a "still, small voice." The image was of a hand extending from heaven holding a small plate out to me (my immediate thought went to Acts 10 when God lowered a sheet down in front of the Apostle Peter and commanded him, "Rise and eat"). On the plate was what appeared to be a half of a standard can of tuna: no dressing, no lettuce, no bread, just TUNA!And not much of it
The voice said, in essence "rise and eat," but also that "You are not being fed!This is the same stuff you've been hearing all of your life, just rehashed over and over again. Get out of here, before you starve to death!"I got up, picked up my briefcase, walked out of the stadium. I have never looked back..