Have noticed in my brief time here that the disobedient (JWs who associate with us here) are the nastiest, most antagonistic examples of what it is to NOT display Christian love. I am sure most are ambivolent, confused, angry about the cult thing, without a full awareness yet. but I suggest, to all of us, that we will learn mroe from each other by maintaining respect for one another.
JWs are most antagonistic
by HomebutHiding 8 Replies latest jw friends
Kaiser Stuhl
too right homo butt hiding,
I am chasened and wearing my sack and ashes.
I try to post this seperate but 2 posts a day is done so it is here:
I want to say a sorry. Not to any bum waving pedophiles, adulterors, fornicators, iddolators, men who lie with men, mother killers, baby stabbers, father rapists, blood transfusing freaks, armchair hillbillys, apostate computer geeks, papist new age priests, pagan leftist lesbian puppet thespians or self rightious athiest astronoghts.
To all clean living, god fearing brothers and sisters out there i say my most humble and sincere apology for any offence in seeing this little flock as a wolfpack. What does a farmer do when sheep hide in amoungst wolves? (trade the shotgun in for a rifle i guess)
and here i was thinking apostes were tough as old boots. gee i must be badder than i thought. OK my precious little powder puffs, you've had your apology now go forth and do whatever you do. I'll bother you no more.
Isaiah 24:17
Kaiser - it is simply obvious that you don't really want to help anyone, share ideas, or try to encourage them. If you really believed the JW's were God's organization wouldn't you be pointing people to them as a hope for their lives - a place where they could be "washed of their sins"? A true Christian doesn't turn their back on anyone because of a "sin" they have committed - we are all sinners and equally dispicable.
Your only drive is to put others down, stir up trouble, and spew vile comments. That's really too bad - although I no longer agree with the doctrines of the JW's I believe there are many that are sincere in their faith and should be loved as fellow brothers and sisters. It's people like you that make it really hard for those JW's that are sincerely posting their thoughts here and wanting to help others.
Perhaps an attitude adjustment would do you well.
(JWs who associate with us here) are the nastiest, most antagonistic examples of what it is to NOT display Christian love
Are we even sure they are witnesses? I mean anyone can sign on here and say whatever they want. I dunno, I am not convinced, the ones who I have read who claim to be witnesses don't even talk like a witness would...I have my doubts as to their status, or if they even have status. If they are witnesses they didn't read the same books I did when I was one.