When I was a baby I was walking along and I saw a flower. It was all colorful and pretty so I picked it and showed it to my mother, she called it a "flower" and I held it and kept it with me until it turned brown and faded away.
As the years went by I saw many flowers and I passed many of them without notice, even stomped a few on accident as I walked threw the field to a new destination. The years passed so fast and so many flowers were around, and yet I only took a fading glimpse at best.
Then one day I was sitting in a field wondering what the universe was all about and why life was even here. I then looked over and saw a flower. I did not pick this one, but rather I took the time to really look at it. I looked at the peddles and how they were so balanced in a circle. The color faded from one to another with the precision of a fine artist, and the smell was something that was felt deep into my being. I realized as I set there, and looked around that there were many more flowers to look at. I realized, that the whole time the flowers were there, I was just not looking for them in the right place.
Soon the answer was in my head. I was looking for the answer to life and the universe, and the whole time it was answering me. Do you know what that answer was?
"Take time to smell the flowers"
Basically, take time to enjoy the small things of life. Then and only then you will see what life is all about, and you wont let it pass you by.
Take Care