Anonymity in the Web: an opinion

by MacHislopp 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello again,

    I’ve been asked to share some of my thoughts
    on addition to my contributions, based on a carefull research.

    I do agree, and that is why I have prepared the few lines
    on the subject of anonymity.

    Anonymity on the web I do believe, and manyI’m sure will agree,
    that it is used mainly to “ prevent the WTS from
    silencing voices or claiming that those expressing dissent on
    a particular issue are – disgruntled former members – or “apostates”.

    You know very well that quite a number of our b&s have been disfel-
    lowshipped for holding or sharing their dissident views on one
    or more WTS policies. So in the end a “true identity name” does not
    serve to help others, because once b or s are disfellowshipped the mem-
    bers of the congregation will be forbidden to even say “Hello “ to them.

    Thus, the need for anonymity is acknowleged by many
    informed and discerning individuals like Justice John Stevens of the
    United States Supreme Court: “ Anonymity is a shield from the tyranny
    of the majority. It thus exemplifies the purposebehind the Bill of Rights
    and of the First amendment in particular. To protect unpopular individuals
    from retaliation – and their ideas from suppression- at the hand of an
    intolerant society.”

    There is this constant “ tune “ in the articles of the WTS, about the need
    to shun, to avoid, to mark anyone who disagrees with “the channel that God
    is using today , to communicate with His people – the Watchtower Society.

    This is also the reason why some, maybe many (including myself) will not
    discuss openly, frankly and truthfully certain matter ( i.e. the results of extensive,
    deep researches in the Bible and in the publications - new and OLD -)
    with just any b&s, but only those that we can trust, that love God’s word, that
    have truly an open mind , free from prejudice and hypocrisy.

    J.C. MacHislopp

  • Simon

    Yes, I think anonimity is a useful thing that allows people to ask questions without fear of reprisals. While this forum isn't totally anonymous (ie. you have to register with an Email address to protect against trouble causers) it is, I hope, 'anonymous enough' and allows people to hide the account that they registered with (and you could always create an account with Hotmail or Yahoo etc...) if they are not confident in exposing themselves in that way.

  • zev

    Provided the borg dont have their own snoops checking and cross checking every post and postie.

    Or is that just my delusional paranoia?



  • waiting

    hey zev,

    probably delusional paranoia. but it strikes us all occasionally, seems to pass with time. either that, or we don't care anymore.


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