WTS changes to 1999 CD-ROM and past...

by peterstride 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • peterstride

    Hey all,

    If anyone remembers off the top of their head about changes that the 1999 CD-ROM from the WTS had, vs past CD-ROMs and/or printed volumes from past Awakes/Watchtowers....please pass them on to me.

    I'll be visiting a friend soon, overseas, that's a loyal JW... we've been talking a bit, and I perceive him to be open minded in that he'll listen to me to a certain extent. As long as I can provide proof from the WTS that they have changed things as their "trooth" changes, maybe he'll open up his mind a bit and realize what's going on.

    He's already a bit upset with them, because right after he finished his jail term for refusing millitary service, the WTS changed that policy...


    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • peterstride

    No takers?


  • og

    Well, it's not exactly what you're looking for, but a good thing to do with the '99 CD is to look up a fellow named Greber (Charles, I think) who was cited as a source for two of the WS's stranger translation decisions, even though he was an admitted spiritist.

    First, look him up via the indexes and look up all the references. The Society defense is that Greber's spiritism was made public long after the Society's use of his translations, and that they stopped referring to him as soon as they knew of it. Note the dates of all citations.

    Then, look up Greber by means of the search function, which scans the whole CD. Two additional references are turned up. In them, the Society condemns Greber's spiritism before they ever use him to support their translations. Check the editions of Greber's work that is cited, which prove that the translators were using the edition that described Greber's spiritistic methods.

    Also, no other evidence is given for one of the translation decisions.

    I think this is a great exercise, not because of the spiritistic link (though that may impress your friend) but because of the hypocrisy and the clear evidence of the Society's willingness to disguise their own history (by not referencing all citations in the Index). Either they're hypocrites, or they're stupid, not having the ability to properly index their own "spiritual food from Jehovah".

    Good luck.

    "The one place Gods indubitably exist is in human minds." - Alan Moore

  • Robert_V_Frazier
  • Pathofthorns

    Since he is already aware in a small yet significant way how the Society hangs those out to dry who follow their policies you might want to press a little further along those lines.

    Maybe refer back to the artical where the Society changed their position on alt military service and how they stated that "some suffered a little more than others because their conscience was stricter" when in reality your friend knows he went to jail because he was not allowed to exercise his conscience without penalty.

    You can then show him in other areas such as organ transplants where people lost their lives(due to their "conscience"?) and then the Society changed their mind again.

    This leads easily to the inconsistent blood policy and the increasing list of permissible blood fractions while they hold to their hardline stance against needed "forbidden" components.

    The same "hanging out to dry" is evident in the "generation" understanding change.

    I doubt you can accomplish little more in one visit with your friend than to start him down the path of thinking and questioning. Don't overdue it but lead him in the right direction and hopefully the rest will follow in time.


    Edited by - Pathofthorns on 28 June 2002 11:57:39

  • dungbeetle

    The only changes recently are the change in the Watchtower which state "the end will come certainly by the end of the century" changed to 'soon' or some such thing, you would need the original magazine for that to compare with the bound volume/cd.

    And the cover of the Watchtower, the one that looks like the whiskey ad. That would be the bound volume and the original magazine that you would for that one as there are no images on the cd-rom.

    I don't know if the CD will help you with the 'Sodom will/won't be resurrected' since Watchtower TOLD the publishers that the new book would have the change in it. But it is interesting that two books released in the same MONTH would each say something different.

    Then I think there's the Truth book, about the world will be too dangerous to live in in 15 years...the cd-rom reflects the later addition changed to "soon".

    If I can get enough coffee and wake up in time, I will come back and edit with citations, and be more coherent.

    Or maybe not....

  • jwsons
  • peterstride

    Thanks everyone for your suggestions so far!!!

    Dungbeetle: If you got more coffee....any more suggestions would be appreciated! As my friend has internet access where he lives (one of the very very few that actually has it), I'll try to get him on a few web-sites, like Quotes where only WTS material is quoted. I don't think he'll have a problem reading through the society's own material! Big thanks to Quotes for that!!!

    Peter Stride
    Toronto, Canada

  • scammer68

    Path wrote:

    "Maybe refer back to the artical where the Society changed their position on alt military service and how they stated that "some suffered a little more than others because their conscience was stricter" "

    Bloody hell! I've been out for nine years, so I missed that article (thankfully, and all their other articles). Anyway, how the hell can they say "suffering a little more than others" - people DIED and were TORTURED for following the BORG's own instruction to avoid military service.

    Those old guys in Brooklyn have got a lot to answer for... (yeah, I know, I'm preaching to the choir here)

    Sam (once again disgusted by the JW org)

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