From: "silentlambs" < [email protected]>
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 00:33:16 -0500
To: < [email protected]>
Subject: World Wide Work Monies Spent to Protect Pedophiles
World Wide Work Monies Spent to Protect Pedophiles
As many may know in January of this year Erica Rodriguez/Garza filed a lawsuit against Jehovahs Witness headquarters for the gross mishandling of her and her family after reporting the convicted child molester Manuel Beliz. When the initial case was filed it was inadvertantly misfiled under the wrong statute for the courts in Washington State. The Jehovahs Witnesses hired local law firms to assist in defending their position against Erica. What is their position? Manuel Beliz is innocent of all charges. In a written statement submitted by Watchtower attorneys, Brother Beliz has declared his innocence by stating , I am innocent of all false chargesand Watchtower is using his written statement as a basis to call Erica a liar once again. It is interesting to note in the court transcript Brother Beliz confessed to two law officers his molestation of Erica. The presiding overseer of Belizs congregation, John White, indicated in earlier court testimony that Beliz was disfellowshipped for child molestation. Now Watchtower attorneys wish to use the lies of a confessed child molester to defend their case against Erica?
In the course of making the adjustment for the filing under the proper statutes, the original filing was dismissed as the new documents were filed. What was the reaction of Watchtower? They requested close to $7,000 in lawyer fees to compensate them for the misfiled case. That means they can provide documentation to the Judge of spending $7,000 in fees to defend Manuel Beliz from being sued by Erica. Where did this money come from to begin with? The donations you send for the World Wide Work of Jehovahs Witnesses. Thousands and thousands of donated monies are spent each year to defend Jehovahs Witness child molesters as the victims not only suffer in silence but are financially drained by the abuse of unlimited World Wide Work funds being donated to the Jehovahs Witness organization. The deep pockets provided by these funds are a formidable foe to overcome when an abuse survivor endeavors to seek justice due to the terrible abuse they have suffered at the hands of Watchtower Policy.
Will Erica and her attorneys have to actually pay the $7,000 legal bill submitted by Watchtower? The answer is no. Typically no judge would allow such a nasty, mean spirited fee to be frivolously applied to a person who is coming forward with such a legitimate lawsuit. It appears once again the pedophile paradise comment made on Dateline is still very alive and well within the Jehovahs Witness community. Pedophiles now have literally millions of dollars in donated funds at their disposal if they simply will become a baptized Jehovahs Witness. Even if they confess to molesting children, the church is more than happy to spend any amount necessary to prevent molestation survivors from being compensated.
Edited by - GRITS on 29 June 2002 2:56:33