The word "apostate appears 10 times in the New World Translation.
Job 8:13; 13:16; 17:8; 20:5; 27:9; 34:30; 36:13; Ps 35:16; Pr 11:9; Isa 10:6
(See Comprehensive Concordance – Published by The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society)
If you look up these verses in the King James, American Standard, Darby or other foreign language Bibles you will find that they use the word "hypocrite" instead.
Hypocrite means: A person who pretends to be what he is not. A person whose actions are out of harmony with his words! (Like the Elders) See Insight on the Scriptures Volume I. page 1164.
I can't recall reading from the Bible that Jesus had serious problems with those who lost their faith! He was very upset with the hypocrites (Those who pretended to be God's representatives.)
I prefer to trust the translation of those who where recognized as language scholars. Those who had the proven knowledge of Latin, Greek or Hebrew. Those who had the courage and confidence to write their names in the Bible.
I reject the Watchtower's reasoning that their translators left their name out because of modesty. Yeah Right! I think they were affraid to take responsibility for their work. They claim it was the Holly Spirit who helped them. What about the Finished Mistery book? It is full of unfulfilled prophesies and long abandoned teachings.
Who helped them to write that one? The Holly Spirit? No Way! God would never inspire people to write false things and dissfellowship those who don't believe it. Was that spiritual food for that time? Hardly if it is so inaccurate. In those years leading to 1919 the Watchtower was probably the most active False Prophet!
Why would God choose them to be his spokesman?
If it was OK for Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and the rest of the Bible writers to identify themselves, why would it be wrong for the translators to do the same? I think if the translator is not afraid to take responsibility for his work, it increases the confidence of the reader!
Edited by - apostate on 6 March 2001 0:22:50