Goin' Hardtail

by Bendrr 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    I mean my bike! What were you thinking?

    Awhile back I posted about my radio-controlled motorcycle. She's still running strong and has survived some pretty rough crashes. Now I'm working on making her a hardtail chopper. I collapsed and secured the rear shock which lowered the rear end and plants the rear tire as firmly as possible and adjusted the front fork angle as far as I could and am on my way to a whoa-daddy bike. Now when I launch the bike at full throttle (and fresh battery pack) she lays a black mark for about a foot or so.

    Here's the pic.

    Mike, of the keepin' the rubber side down class.

  • Reborn2002

    The picture of your bike is not loading Bendrr.

    After examining the properties of your photo URL, it looks like you tried to add it from your C drive.

    You have to have the picture somewhere on the Internet in order to embed it into your post.

    I like bikes, I hope you can get the picture up soon.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 29 June 2002 19:47:25

  • Bendrr

    Sorry Reborn, here's the pic:



    Edited by - bendrr on 29 June 2002 21:26:18

  • animal

    Will it look like this one?

    Its almost done.... chasing down pesky oil leaks and adding brakes.



  • scootergirl

    I love you your bike, Animal!

  • You Know
    You Know

    Animal, What? No racked neck or molded tank? Those square ape-hangers don't seem to fit either. And that paint job needs work dude.

    Former chopper class / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 30 June 2002 9:25:58

  • animal

    I built this from the parts I had.... I am one of the cheapest bastards around. The paint job is only enamal spray, we have some welding to do yet on it.

    The tank was found in the pile of parts that came with it... old 60's tank, origional spider web paint.

    These bars are what is considered "legal" in AZ... I have 18" apes ready to put on once I get it licensed.

    Didnt know you knew bikes.... most likely, this will be built to stock next year, after I have some fun with it as is.

    The engine is stroked out to 80 inches, and has never been on the street. When done, it will be fire engine red and the front tubes will be 6 inches longer. Goal now it to add brakes and get it licensed.


  • animal

    I built this from the parts I had.... I am one of the cheapest bastards around. The paint job is only enamal spray, we have some welding to do yet on it.

    The tank was found in the pile of parts that came with it... old 60's tank, origional spider web paint.

    These bars are what is considered "legal" in AZ... I have 18" apes ready to put on once I get it licensed.

    Didnt know you knew bikes.... most likely, this will be built to stock next year, after I have some fun with it as is.

    The engine is stroked out to 80 inches, and has never been on the street. When done, it will be fire engine red and the front tubes will be 6 inches longer. Goal now it to add brakes and get it licensed.


  • SYN

    LOL, YouKnow is secretly a biker!

    I'd pay to see YouKnow pulling up at the Kingdom Hall on his hog, complete with blonde vixen on the back in leather. That leather jacket would just look so GOOD on the stage, dontchathink?

  • animal

    I was pleased to see You Know even comment in here, about the bike. Assuming he is/was a biker-type, he would understand some of my outlooks on things in life... attitude wise. Now, if he went from biker-type to JW-type, he at least has good memories to work with.

    But then again, anyone can read a magazine and pick up on keywords. I dunno, I just like most bikes and bikers.

    Sons of Liberty Riders

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