Check out the other wolves in sheeps clothing for my last Important won't want to miss it!
ps IN friends
Edited by - QUANTUM on 30 June 2002 3:10:28
by QUANTUM 4 Replies latest jw friends
Check out the other wolves in sheeps clothing for my last Important won't want to miss it!
ps IN friends
Edited by - QUANTUM on 30 June 2002 3:10:28
I got some people calling me a False prophet, Which i find Very funny! Jealously Is in them...
Why do I feel like singing " C & H " sugar commercial tunes....hmmm " C & H ".
Some of us are not as stupid as you both "think" we are.
I remember some Jws telling me that Matt. 7:15 applied to Catholic priests because they wore cassocks made from wool!
Of course, they never told me what false prophecies (date settings) the priests were making.