GLBT Pride Parade Surprise

by Fire Dragon 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Well folks, my first GLBT Pride Parade was a blast! My hands are sore from all the clapping and my voice is hoarse from all the cheering. I clapped so much that I bent my silver Celtic ring on my left hand...OUCH!! It was a real bitch to get off! I came home with lots of goodies too. All in all I had a great time!!

    The surprise of the evening was when I saw one of my JW exboyfriends marching in the parade! That's right, my exboyfriend. We dated in field service 10years ago. I yelled out his name as he passed by. When he turned around he stared at me for a few seconds with an almost scared look on his face....kind of like, 'oh no, it's a JW.' Then this huge smile and he ran over to hug me...guess he realized that if I was at the Gay Pride Parade I must not be a JW anymore.

    Now I know where to find him so we can get together and catch up on what has happened in the past decade. I wondered all those years ago if he was gay and now I know! Wow, what a surprise!!

    So, for all of you who went to your pride parades, how'd it go? Anything interesting happen??

  • zenpunk

    I had an experience just like yours. Quite a while ago I contacted an XJW who turned out to be my first Witness boyfriend. He was so scared to tell me he was gay now. And I was so happy for him I'm sure he heaved a sigh of relief. Hey - Its all good when you finally get to be who you truly are!

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Amen to that, Zenpunk!

    I know others in my old cong that are gay...but they won't say it. They just keep hiding in fear who they really are and stay miserable. I wish I could go back and help some of them. Since I'm DFd they wouldn't listen anyway. I hope that one day they will see the real 'light' and come to their senses. We should all be so lucky to be free!

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    I would have loved to have attended my local pride parade, but we don't have one. We have four or five gay bars in our downtown district, but not a single parade. ::sigh::


  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Almost forgot...congrats on meeting up with your friend again after all these years.


  • Mac

    Hey Brian,

    Don't know if this helps but, The Village People are playing at our county fair this month. It's not a parade but it's better than listening to a DJ at a wedding!

    Brian (not Gay but often times quite jovial)

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    Hey Brian,

    We meet again...hehehe! I know that I'm gay and all, but The Village People have always seemed a bit frightening to me. Maybe it's those porn star moustaches, but they're a little too out there.

    But, have you ever seen there incredibly campy movie "Can't Stop The Music?" Soooo cheesy and sooo campy that it's a must see. Saw it in the store the other day on DVD for $12.00. I might have to grab a copy for myself.


  • Mac


    Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out.


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