Interestingly, to help pay his way through school, Rutherford sold encyclopedias from house to house. It was not an easy jobthere were many rebuffs. On one occasion he almost died when he fell into an icy stream while calling on farms. He promised himself that when he became a lawyer, if anyone ever came to his office selling books, he would buy them.
I'll bet the one that started AmWay started out in a similiar way..
Maybe they met out one day in "field service" selling encyclopedias and made a bet, "I'll bet I can make a bigger business from door-to-door than you can"
So, maybe the religion was all based on a bet.. Sorry, guys, looks like you lost the bet!
Edited by - itsjustlittleoldme on 2 July 2002 8:2:55
Thats what it amounts up to if one is clumsy. Icy water does not kill as such. I am live and kicking in spite of every winter rolling naked in the snow and swimming in a moderate size hole in the ice. Of course I am not a book seller if that is of importance.