Another Religion Scandal - Newsweek Letter

by Thirdson 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Thirdson

    This was in the letters section of July 8, 2002 Newsweek (Page 16) following their article on JWs.

    Another Religion Faces Scandal

    THANK YOU FOR YOUR COVERAGE of the sex-abuse scandal taking place within the WatchtowerBible and Tract Society ("Witness to Shame," June 24). I have been an active Jehovah's Wit­ness for 30 years. I have suffered the overbearing control of the elders for many years. While I still believe in the theology, I seriously question the God-anointed authority of the ones in power now. This needs to be exposed so that members are protected.

    loris matheny

    Tampa, Florida

    I don't share Loris' belief in Watchtower theology but I do agree that the leadership's authority needs serious questioning and that the issue needs to be exposed.


    Edited by - thirdson on 3 July 2002 0:3:2

    Edited by - thirdson on 3 July 2002 0:4:29

  • COMF
    While I still believe in the theology, I seriously question

    I remember being at that point myself. The writer has a long way to go, but has definitely made a start. Bravo! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

  • LDH

    LOL I hope that's not ol' Loris' real name, cause if it is....


    Uh, Loris, we'd like to meet with you to spiritually fuck encourage you!!!


  • lulu

    Like you I still believe in the theology, but after the WTBTS affliated itself with

    the U.N. ( after everything they have told us in the past) I no longer believe that

    this organization would still have Jehovahs blessing. Plus of course, the horrific news of the wide spread victims of sexual abuse.

  • Gopher


    Welcome to the board! Glad to have you here....

    I just read your profile. So you've been shunned for your comments regarding the JW's scandalous involvement with the United Nations! After all these years of hearing them tell us how the United Nations was an evil substitute designed by Satan himself to draw attention away from God's Kingdom.... hmmmm!

    Have you read "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond Franz? It's just been revised once again, to include information on the UN involvement of the Watchtower Society. And it also reveals how the Watchtower corp. arrives at its "theology". I highly recommend you read this book if you already haven't. Mr. Franz sets out the facts quite clearly without resorting to hatefulness (which is what I had been led to believe about him earlier).

    Best wishes to you as you chart your spiritual course! Feel free to bounce ideas off this board -- many of us have been where you are.

  • Mackin

    Hey there Lulu, Glad to have you with us.

    I started to think the way you are a few years back while I was still at Bethel. The "new light" on the "generation" was ONE of the things that started me thinking. Plus the corruption I saw at at Bethel. The UN thing occured after I had left. Good on you for speaking out. I hope it hasn't cost you too dearly. But if it has just be aware your among friends here. Lots of us can sympathise.

    Stick around here for a bit, you'll see ample evidence of what the WTS is REALLY like before much longer.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Welcome LuLu...Mackin and all the others are very right in saying you'll get much more comfort and new "real light and enlightenment" from reading, asking questions, and sharing your own experiences among your friends here on the boards.....keep visiting and keep on posting....CC

  • Osarsif

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