Is this just my misconception, or is the "Friends" forum constantly being misused as a place to post anything and everything that someone wants to be "noticed?" Some threads I've seen recently that seem to blatantly ignore the fact that this site contains VARIOUS forums:
Are all men bad?
Why is 'women bashing' allowed on this board?
Nitpicking the JW brotherhood
Two file sex abuse suit against Jehovah's Witnesses
Another victim of child molestation by JW's on TV
Did US always want to get into Afghanistan?
For those who bash America
Agreement with American B.S. [OK, all the America threads belong on this list]
Simon's definition of a troll is?
...and now I will use the tired cliche "ad nauseum." I know the initial description of "Friends" reads "discuss anything jw related and meet new friends," but how about these? Child Abuse: "Physical and emotional child abuse, [etc]." Scandal & Coverups: "Investigations into child molestation [etc]." Beliefs, Doctrines & Practices: "Beliefs and behavior." And most importantly, ADULT & DISAGREEMENTS: "Adult related content and ARGUMENTS." (trolls, especially, take note)
The end result of using the "Friends" forum as a catch-all for everything you want to be seen is that 2 or 3 pages of these topics go by every day, while the other forums move at a crawl (301,743 posts on Friends, at the time of this writing... next highest is Bible Research, with approximately one thirtieth the number of posts). Of course, Friends will end up having the highest percentage of posts anyway. But why are we using a forum entitled "Friends" as a dumping ground for all our beefs? LOL, I know I'm essentially doing that very thing right now. Oh well. If I didn't, the folks that are constantly posting such things here would never see it (sigh). I'm not trying to pick on anyone in particular; just asking if we can all think a bit as to where a thread belongs before automatically posting it under the "catch-all" forum.