I understand from the Fortean Times that Football is assoicted(sp?) was assoiceted with bloody religious rituals and War in Aztec Mexico.
Question;Should JWs play football because of these assoicetions?
We know U WT are out there reading the posts!
by badboy 5 Replies latest jw friends
I understand from the Fortean Times that Football is assoicted(sp?) was assoiceted with bloody religious rituals and War in Aztec Mexico.
Question;Should JWs play football because of these assoicetions?
We know U WT are out there reading the posts!
You owe it to brothers around the world to send that information to coporate headquarters. Who knows how many will be destroyed if they aren't informed.
My nephew just won a football scholarship to USC. My brother and his wife are long time witnesses and live in Southern California. They had always encouraged their son to pioneer or go to Bethel. Then it was discovered that he had a real talent for football. He had not been playing long before he started to become a real star, with universaries vying for his attendance at their schools. My brother got some flack from the other elders and some of the brothers in his congregation, but he says that mainly they are excited by his son's success, although this is not voiced openly.
My nephew is now on USC campus practicing for the fall games. He comes home on the weekends to go in field service and show his face in the Kingdom Hall to keep the "wolves" at bay.
So far so good!
pac 10 sucks
Twas the Pac 8 when I played ball, but, we sucked.