Happy Ruddy Independence Day

by invisible 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Sorry for upsetting sensitive souls in here, wish you all a great and enjoyable day on the 4th of July.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Thanks Invisible....we'll blow off some fireworks in your direction (about 8:45pm L.A. time).

  • Amazing

    Thanks Invisible: I am not upset. I didn't see what you said though, but it must have been bloody damning. Anyhow, America's shoulders are broad enough to take some healthy, constructive criticism ...

  • TheStar


    Let me summarize for you.

    Invisible hear seems to think Americans are "ignorant fools" and that we Americans can not comprehend how foolish we look to the rest of the world because of the fact the we have such little understanding of the problems on the worldwide front.

    Invisible posed the question as to why "Americans lick ass to each other so much and spout so much crap all the time?"

    He also wanted to understand why Americans are so obviously stupid as a nation?

    Wait not just stupid but arrogant and stupid.

    Didn't want you to miss out Amazing, maybe you can answer his questions.

    Edited to include: I forget these gems that invisible felt the need to spout off.

    "but in policy decisions affecting other nations you do come across as dumb to say the least. Whats more, even the WT was started off in your wunnerful country, dumb by anyones stretch of the imagination!!"

    "But Americans are funny, you do collectively ask for a piss take to be taken out of you. Would love to visit there one day, would be entertaining to say the least."

    Then later asked all of us to go F***k ourselves. Isn't that nice?

    Edited by - TheStar on 3 July 2002 15:36:58

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