Serpent Lost Its Legs

by GermanXJW 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GermanXJW

    I found this by chance and wonder if you were aware of this. I find the last two sentences rather funny:

    *** w64 6/1 352 Questions from Readers ***
    Did the serpent lose legs or feet as means of movement as a result of the divine curse recorded at Genesis 3:14?

    [...]It, therefore, is reasonable to conclude that before God cursed it the serpent possessed legs that elevated it above the ground. As he had the power to create the serpent in the first place, God had the power to transform its body so that it ceased to have legs and was able to move about on its belly.

    Edited: snipped, last two sentenced remaining

    Edited by - GermanJW on 3 July 2002 17:27:29

  • Crazy151drinker

    Why not just say the last two sentences in the first place? Why waste the readers time with a bunch of mumbo jumbo? How do they come up with this crap?

  • hippikon

    And to think some of us beleived that crap ! You just got to laugh at it all.

  • patio34

    Thanks for that German JW, it reminds me of sitting around seriously discussing--in a scholarly way--Cinderella or Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Let's see, if God had the power to give her glass slippers in the 1st place, he has power to make the prince find her with the other one. What can we learn about Sneezy and Grumpy's attitudes towards work and Snow White? How do the underlying principles affect us today?

    Excuse me, while I go get sick......

  • Mackin

    The thing you have to realise is that they have loads of people sitting around in Bethel with hardly anything to do, especially back in the 60's when that article was written. In that artificial environment, removed from reality and feeding their minds on nothing but WT propaganda, even the craziest of notions can seem to make sense.

    Add to that the fact that any writer relies on feedback from his/her readers (oops sorry, this is the WTS, women would never have been allowed to write) to gauge the acceptance of his work, and no-one would ever have dared critisize anything in a WT publication, so the writers only ever got positive feedback.

    And the poor shmucks in the congregation's swallowed it hook, line & sinker.

  • Bang

    Before the serpent went and told lies so as to change other humans (and in a way envious of), the serpent still had a leg to stand on - but not anymore.


    Now, his spiritual ideas (food) come from beneath and around him, not from above, and the serpent bites at those above who have their feet in the dirt (only need wash your feet), but they can crush the serpent with their heel. Even so, they aren't cruel, so there are still serpents.

    Edited by - Bang on 3 July 2002 18:31:42

  • Farkel

    German JW,

    : found this by chance and wonder if you were aware of this. I find the last two sentences rather funny

    I'm quite aware of it. I did a piece on it some while ago. It's amazing how superstitious the WT leaders really are.

    Literal Garden of Eden. Literal Adam and Eve. Literal talking pre-snake with legs. Literal Devil. Literal Tree of Life. Literal Tree of Knowledge. FIGURATIVE "flaming sword" guarding the entrance to Eden after man's fall.

    Either way about the sword, it proves that God DID invent the first weapon of war and displayed it in front of man, before man even knew what war was.

    Doh! Why some folks think fairy tales are literal is beyond me!


    Edited by - Farkel on 3 July 2002 18:51:31

  • Dutchie

    .... "it is reasonable to assume..." Reasonable, for whom?

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