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Questions to Ask Jehovahs Witnesses When They Call at your Door
Recently the Public Information Department for Jehovahs Witnesses has made certain comments to the media. Each remark confirms a certain aspect of Watchtower Policy regarding child molestation that most members of Jehovahs Witnesses are not aware of. To encourage Jehovahs Witnesses to educate themselves regarding how their church handles molestation issues we suggest asking them the following questions when they call at your door.
1. Why do elders in your church only report child molesters in States where it is legally required?
Tennessean/Nashville- 05/11/02- Brown said, If parents come to congregation leaders with concerns that their child is being abused, the leaders follow state law. If state law requires parents to report the abuse, congregation leaders tell them that.
Paducah Sun-Paducah KY-1-28-01- Brown said the church does not necessarily equate reporting the matter to law enforcement to protecting the child because "not all the time does government authority provide the protection the child needs.
LOUISVILLE-COURIER-Louisville, KY-May 8, 2002 - Leaders of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, say that in States that do not require reporting of abuse, they prefer taking steps to protect children while not breaching what they see as confidential communications between elders and members.
2. Do you support your church policy of requiring pedophiles to call at my home?
AP/CNN-May 9, 2002- J.R. Brown, a spokesman for the denomination, said that anyone found guilty of molestation by a church judicial committee is removed from all positions of responsibility and cannot evangelize door-to-door without being accompanied by a fellow Jehovah's Witness.
Asbury Park Press-New Jersey-5/14/02- Semonian said anyone convicted of child molestation cannot hold a position of authority in the church and cannot perform church work alone.
Watchtower Media Website In a few instances, individuals guilty of an act of child abuse have been appointed to positions within the congregation if their conduct has been otherwise exemplary for decades. All the factors are considered carefullyLet us say that 20 years have passed the man could possibly be appointed to a responsible position within the congregation.
3. Do you know how many child molesters are in your local Kingdom Hall? If so what are their names?
Sun-, KY 1-28-01- of Watchtower Legal, agreed with Bowen's charge that a congregation would also not be told if a pedophile had joined the flock."
News Channel 6-Paducah, KY-5-15-02- Members at Bowen's old Kingdom Hall in Draffenville admit discouraging members from telling just anybody. "The difference between needless gossip, let's say, and withholding information from those who have a right to know is two different things completely," says Jehovah's Witness Bruce Waite.
Help Jehovahs Witnesses to understand Watchtower Policy by sharing statements their leaders have made to media, encourage them to write home office and demand proper changes be made to protect all children who come in contact with Jehovahs Witnesses.