Do we live double lives?
I was commenting on another thread and was momentarily disturbed by my own inclination to describe my predicament as living a double life. That sounds dishonest, deceptive or is it just my JW indoctrination speaking. Be patient now, I'm just thinking out loud.
Many of us have mentally and spiritually left the DUB world but pretend we haven't when around friends and relatives who are Jdubs. I have given this a little thought (meaning I felt guilty for just a moment) to figure out how I feel about this trap that has sprung around us.
Yes, it feels like living a double life but it is not our choice. We all have a right to think for ourselves and this is why some now live in a Jehovah's Witness virtual world. While we live in our own real world we have to play along in the virtual world of our friends and relatives. They live in the imaginary world, we live in the real world.
They come to visit with their cyber helmets wielding imaginary formidable weapons that will keep them from harm. They really believe they are JW Laura Crofts and Crocodile Dundee's in an evil world where they are the heroes and saviors. They march confidently into any dangerous situation with a cache of spiritual swords and guns, assured by the game designer that they will be guided to a 'medi pack' just in time to restore their nearly drained life.
Now we have opened our eyes and see people all around us with flashing helmets on their heads attached to wires disappearing into the dark secret room of the central controller, while they quite amusingly stand on a pad, marching but getting no where, swinging fists but hitting nothing, running for their lives when no one is chasing.
And to avoid spoiling the game and getting all our friends mad we pretend to play the game as tired and wounded old soldiers deserving respect because of our past high game scores. While we do speak up to our closest friends and try to convey to them this is only a virtual world, some take offense thinking we have changed sides in the game.
They can't harm us with their virtual weapons, but the game keepers can put us outside on the street. For some it is very lonesome out in that parking lot with no ride home, waiting for our friends still inside playing their games. To avoid this many of us stay just inside the door pretending to believe the game is real.
Many of us have gone past the emotions of fear, anger and sadness from having discovered the world we had lived in was not real. We have found ourselves in the parking lot of life and decided to forget the game, and get on with our real life. Still many of us have to quickly put on our virtual helmets and pretend to play when our dub friends come around. To me this is bearable.
But is this living a double life? NO! It is finally living a real life while occasionally pretending to play the game that our relatives and friends prefer.
What do you think?