Just Look In The Mirror....

by Sentinel 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Sentinel

    It's been just a month on the 8th, since I joined this Forum. I struggled for years trying to find myself. I'd look in the mirror and say to myself: "who are you really?".

    It hurt me so badly to find out that I'd been so deceived. It crushed my heart. It broke apart my very foundation.

    Stone by stone, I have managed to build myself another more balanced foundation. A foundation which moves and sways to the changes of the life I live. I never again want to go through what the JW's did to me and my family. What they continue to do. I won't allow myself to topple and fall. I will love myself and protect myself and ask for the help I need when I feel unstable or shaky.

    When I first saw this Forum, I was in awe. I checked out all the different postings, and saw so much of my own self "mirrored" here. I have to admit. Some of it spooked me. Some of it I didn't want to look at, because it was so close to home, that those old frightened insecurities began to rise up in me again. I realize now, that they are a part of me, and will never go away. I just have to learn how to accept them as my experiences, and to take the good from them, and let the bad fall away.

    I can look in the mirror and see who I really am now. I can face myself without trying to punnish my own self for the mistakes I've made--and having had to live with the consequences of all my choices, including all those years as a JW borg.

    This is life. And, life is beautiful. I see the lines in my brow and face and neck. But, in my eyes is the story of my life, and the window to my soul. I am so thankful to be where I am right now.

    Don't be afraid to look in the mirror. Don't be afraid to see the person you are, both inside and out. You are beautiful. You are loved. And, you are being true to your own self.

    Have you really looked in the mirror lately?



  • witchywoman

    Congratulations to you for loving yourself! It is troubling that the org robs people of their self esteem, but there is no doubt that is exactly what they do. With the "not thinking more of one`s self that is necessary" and articles about people with dementia still able to preach the kindom message. The destruction is very subtle, the gb is saying get off your lazy butts and do more. Most of their advice is damaging to ones soul and common sense.

    It can be a frightening freedom when one is cut off from the org.

    You have come to a good place in your life, always think of yourself first. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, it is for your own survival as an individual.

    You have done well, and are to be applauded!!!

    Much love to you, may you always prosper.


  • Xandria

    I can truely relate about looking at yourself closely. An I am glad that Sentinel has over came so much to be at the level she is at now. As for me, I am still struggling with alot. I don't need to look in the mirror.. I just look at my hands, my body and see the scars from the years of abuse I took. I go to shake someone's hand and they ask me how I got that scar or ooh how did you hurt yourself ? An it brings it all back. The beatings, the blind eye the Eldership, Brothers and Sisters @ the K.H took when they saw the marks, the darkness that I had to crawl out of ... it is all there within. The scars on the outside they are a physical reminder, but the scars that are on the inside. Those are torments that come to you in your dreams, out of the blue.

    I deal with it every time I look in the mirror at my self and each time .. its a little less painful. But the memories are still there. They are a part of me that I cannot escape. I am learning to accept what was.. I cannot change that. But what I can change is my future and be happy in that. I am thankful I have made friends who can understand where I have been and not judge. I am also glad that I have an husband who understands me.. even if he doesn't understand the "faith" I came out from.


  • Sentinel

    Dear Witchywoman,

    Thank you so much for your reply.

    Yes, with me, it's been a rough and rocky road to acceptance of myself. Loving self is one of the most difficult things a person will ever do, and this is why so many relationships fail. You have to love yourself first, before you can ever truly love someone else.

    And, to be truthfull, sometimes, those old feelings return to me in a dream, or when someone says a particular thing, or when I am just living life. I overcome the enemy by pushing it away from me, and saying outloud, "not now, I'm busy", or "I've lived this hurt, but no more".

    I do try to re-direct those "thoughts" now, because I know they are not good and positive things to dwell on.

    You were in the borg quite a while, and now you still have a family member close to you, that is still "in". I truly understand that heartache you deal with.

    I have noticed something here in the forum, and that is, that if you post under Friends or Personal Experiences, you are read and replied to more. But, if you post in the Health spot, you are over-looked. There is a reason for this, and that is that people don't want to be reminded and they don't want to think about the real mental health issues that ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN ONE LEAVES A CULT. Well, we are facing these issues head on. I'm proud of you for reading and posting here.

    Thank You!


  • Sentinel


    Oh, my dear girl, I can tell by your heartfelt post here, that you have come such a long way. Being abused is a terrible way to live. My heart does go out to you. ((((HUGS)))).

    At one point about four years ago, I decided that I needed to go to counseling again. It is a free service provided by my employer, but in the past, I did not have much success with the person assigned to me. I wanted my marriage to survive, and instead, two different counselors within a six year period of time, were telling me that my situation, of being married to an alcoholic would never change, never survive, and so I should absolutely leave him. That kind of advice really turned me off. Of course, the discussions would always end up back on "religion" and "JW's", which I really found that they had basically no idea what I had gone through.

    I kept thinking that I could still manage to make my marriage work, and that all I had to do was try a little harder. I fell back into the co-dependent syndrom, which really does nothing for self-esteme. Last year, when I sought out a counselor again, I made certain that if they could not connect me with someone who was going to help me instead of making some negative statements about failure, then I wasn't going to go anymore. Well this time they hooked me up with an excellent gentleman.

    Everything about his sessions was totally different. He taught me all about true meditation and how to relax the mind and the thoughts, and to deal with issues that I'd kept pushing back inside me. Many of these issues within me, dealth with so much unresolved stuff from the borg, from my family, from my marriages. He told me that I needed to change more....more than I already had. He said that I had to care about myself and do good things for myself. He told me that when I made these changes, two things could happen. One, the marriage was going to flip over and die, and he told me that I needed to prepare myself for that. But, second, he told me, that if my husband was a good person, who really loved me and wanted things to work, he was going to change too, and that would mean he would take steps to get sober and stay sober. Either way, I needed to get strong, because I had the battle of my life ahead of me.

    I was scared, but I knew he was right. I began to change. I began to do things to make me happy, and I disregarded the verbal abuses. I prepared a sanctuary inside my own home where I could go and be away from all that verbal abuse. I made that little room my haven. I listened to music and read books. I meditated. I wrote letters and made phone calls. I separated myself so I couldn't be hurt. I took a trip to Florida by myself to visit my mom, which was six months after my dad had died. This was the first time I had ever traveled by plane alone. I also began to do some other things for myself. Hubby saw this, and although instinctively, he became hurt, angry, defensive and extremely verbally abusive, I could also see that he was thinking about our life together, and how he wanted things to turn out. I knew that if he still continued to ask for a divorce, that this was his choice. I could no longer control that. He could no longer blame everyone else for his problem.

    Xandria, I didn't know from one day to the next, what was going to happen. The only thing I could do was to prepare myself. I hated to live like that, but I had to survive. I went to so many Alanon meetings. I really hated the whole "pity me" atmosphere, but I was getting out, and I was meeting other women. Some had it better than me, but most had it worse. What frightened me the most was what one woman told me. She said that even if my husband sobered up, he wouldn't want me any more, because he would "see" what he had done to me and he wouldn't be able to face it. That was frightened, but then, I had to consider all posibilities.

    My husband fought de-tox, but without giving him any type of ultimatum, he went in on his own last June. He was very, very angry and all his anger was directed to me. He was the only person in there, that refused to have any contact with their wife. He only stayed a week, as that is all our insurance would cover. But, he has gone over a year now without drinking. While in de-tox, they discovered that he also had some emotional issues and mental problems that had not been addressed and so they set him up to continue his doctor visits after he left; and so with proper medications for all his health issues, including diabetes, he has made a meraculous turnaround. For months after he came home, there was no communication. He withdrew into himself, and then slowly but surely, he began coming back out of that awful place where he was. It has made all the difference in our life together. I had the man I married nearly twenty years ago, back again. But, he had changed. We both had changed. And those changes have been necessary for both of us.

    It is still, one day at a time. Although I have never been addicted to alcohol or drugs, I have been directly affected by it. My first husband took his life while strung out on drugs. My two sisters were into drugs, and one so badly that she nearly didn't make it. Glad to say, they are both doing well now. My worse enemy is the co-dependency. I learned all of that as a child, and it traveled on, with JW's, with my first marriage and into my second. It is something I continue to deal with. Low self esteem is my enemy.

    I am so thankful for this Forum. I'm glad to be making new friends here. Friends that truly understand. Thank you for sharing parts of your life and experiences with me.

    I welcome all of you with a loving heart and a warm embrace.



    Edited by - Sentinel on 7 July 2002 10:43:57

  • sOOner

    My Dear sister,

    that was such a beautiful post,I felt the need to let you know.You are a beautiful person inside and out and I love you.

    This verse I wrote seems appropiate.We as unique individuals must "Live our Moments" and yet we have to be open to let other's share our happy times and our not so happy times.

    Like the two homes on the beach,one a huge magnificent sandcastle and the other made of bricks high on the cliff~

    What a great comparison of two homes.The time and energy put into both of them and yet neither is that secure.The sand castle will wash away and the home on the cliff could very well from corrosion fall into the sea,so it's that chance we take to LIVE OUR MOMENTS...the best we can,that is all ONE can do in this reality called "LIFE"

    We are here too see and pave the way.Too help others through~

    It's like the saying where it speaks of our only passing this way but once,any good that we may do,let us do it now as we may not pass this way again.

    Blessings always,



  • Prisca


    I have become so accustomed to your posts that if felt like you have been on this board for at least a year, not a month!

    Your posts are full of insight and humanity, qualities that are hard to find these days. I enjoy reading them, and always learn something from them.

    From your account here about your husband, I can see that you haven't had a great life, but from it you have become a stronger person, more aware of your needs.

    Thank you for sharing your life here on this site, you are a unique person.

    edited for spelling mistakes

    Edited by - Prisca on 2 August 2002 22:31:22

  • waiting

    Hello Sentinel,

    I've seen your posts lately on other threads, but didn't know anything about you. While I disagree that I look like your picture (I may actually look that way - I just don't want to admit it), I understand your sentiments. Many of us mirror each other. We have different stories, aspects, but an alarming similarity to each other.

    I'm sorry with your family background. So many of us seem to marry into what we're used to. My first husband was into drugs deeply, thankfully we parted, and unthankfully the fool won't die (I hold his life insurance and he's doing that to spite me). However, we had 3 beautiful kids together - and part of them is him (the intelligent part & music appreciation.)

    I hope you stick around. My daughter (who doesn't come here) made a fine compliment to me the other day. She said that I had much improved over the couple of years I'd been participating on the internet forum.....and this is the place.

    Simon's place allows us room to grow, feel, think, argue, discuss and just try to adjust. A brilliant plan on his part which I think he just stumbled onto.



    Edited by - waiting on 2 August 2002 22:53:21

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