Has anyone heard what became of Bill's latest hearing?Last I heard he was having a hearing on the 28th of last month,but I didn't see any news on it.Anyone have any idea's or thoughts about it?
Question about Bill Bowens Hearing
by obiwan 8 Replies latest jw friends
Everything is in limbo. He has make several requests of the judicial committee through his attorney but the committee is not responding nor do they seem to be taking action. The same with the appeals of the other dateline participants.
The WT society is plotting their course like a rabbit with a fox on its tail.
Edited by - Jst2laws on 6 July 2002 17:22:46
Geez,it figures!Go silent lambs
Hi everyone. I am new here, but I have had the opportunity to meet Bill in person just recently at the press conference in Minnesota. It was not my suit, I was there for support. It gave me the chance to ask him some questions and this was one of them. The elders have been instructed to contact Bill only through his lawyer, but because of there disreguard for legal authority they continue to contact him directly. All proceedings have been put on hold since Bill won't go without witnesses there. I talk to Bill often through email to find out how he is and what he will be involved in next. He doesn't tell me everything only what he can. Nice to be here by the way. Love Jesika Thoman Dallas, Tx
Hi, Jesika, and welcome to our humble forum! I'm in Dallas, too, as are SixOfNine, billygoat, MegaDude, Valis (District Overbeer) nativenyr23 and a few others. We get together in person every now and then. If you're interested, keep an eye out on the board. There's usually an announcement a week or so before.
Edited by - COMF on 6 July 2002 21:36:29
Wow!!! That's alot of people in Dallas. I would love to meet with you guys, as long as everyone is no longer in the "truth". Since I am new I don't know everyone yet. So please don't laugh or take offence to my statement. I can't stand to be preached to, considering I know everything they will say before they say it. Love Jesika Thoman Dallas, Tx
Hello Jesika,
Glad to have you join us here. Hope to get to know you more. For you to go north to support Silent Lambs says a lot. Looking forward to meeting you. I and Joy2bfree will be coming to meet the crowd in Dallas in August. Hope you can join us. It is special to make contact in person with people we have dealt with online.
We have not talk much yet. Looking forward to meeting you.
Jesika, if it's any comfort to you, we call our get-togethers "Apostofests". Does that give a hint of the spiritual orientation of the group?
Jst2, glad to hear you guys will be joining us! I'm looking forward to it.
I have heard the term Apostofest before. I laughed when I heard it the first time, I think Bill Bowen was the one who told me about the Apostofest. I don't think he went but told me about them, I can't remember. I am looking forward to meeting you all and talking with everyone online. I am very new to the internet, so I don't really know how to chat in rooms. When I have tried I have been kicked out of them, so I quit trying, but I am learning. I started getting on the internet after the Dateline airing, and got an email add. after becoming active on silentlambs. What congregations did you all attend in Dallas. I was in White Rock. Does anyone know Michael Thoman(it's pronounced toemen)? He is my father.