The local paper ran an article today (from Cox News Service; you may have seen it already) on the Religion page, "God, that's funny! ...or is it?" It's about some Bible "experts" testifying that God does, in fact, have a "funny bone." In other words, that it's OK to poke fun at religion in general, or even to tell jokes about God. A few of the jokes (paraphrased for brevity &/or clarity):
Jack was coming out of church on Easter, and as usual the pastor was there at the door shaking people's hands. He grabbed Jack & pulled him aside, telling him, "You need to join the army of the Lord, Jack." Jack replied, "I already am, pastor." "Then how come I don't see you, except at Christmas & Easter?" Jack whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."
A man trying to understand the nature of God was asking Him some questions. "God, how long is a million years to you?" "A million years to me is like a minute." Then the man asked, "God, how much is a million dollars to you?" "A million dollars to me is like a penny." The man thought for a moment & asked, "God, can I have a penny?" "Sure, in a minute."
Two lifelong friends had a running argument. The black friend argued that God was black, and the white friend argued He was white. The 2 friends had a fatal accident, together, while fishing, & found themselves b4 the Pearly Gates. St. Peter met them, and naturally they asked him to resolve their old argument. So he led them to a waiting room & told them to have a seat; God would be with them shortly. Meanwhile, they continued the argument. Then they heard some loud footsteps coming & turned to *finally* learn the answer; the door swung open & God said "Buenos dias, senores!"
OK, a coupla those punchlines are fairly predictable. So what's YOUR favorite "God" joke?