I'm reading this book right now just out of interest. Does anyone know of any counter argumetns eitehr as books or in essay format? I think Lewis is fairly reasonable on most points. has anyone else read this and if so what did you think?
Mere Christianity
by Naeblis 8 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't read it nor do I know what it is about. Perhaps you could enlighten us as to the topic and purpose of the book that way we can redirect you.
gsx1138 (and anyone else for that matter), if you click on this link it will tell you all about the book that Naeb's reading:
Edited by - matty on 7 July 2002 10:2:5
The only thing that I've read in that book is a Reader's Digest condensed version of the chapter on pride. I felt it was right on. I'd like to read the rest, but so far haven't had the time.
If the man interests you as he did me, get the movie "Shadowlands" starring Anthony Hopkins. It is about part of his life and the things that affected him deeply.
His type of deep analytical thinking is something that is sorely lacking in religious circles. It is desperately needed.
I had heard so much about it, and a friend bought if for me; I tried to read it several months ago. I just couldn't get into it.
While the man Lewis was no doubt ahead of his time, he is way behind our time, IMO. He was twisting and turning and being oh so nice and reasonable, forcing the "truth" out of a religion I simply think has no true basis, and no real merit for our day. I'm sure his heart was in the right place, but, as in the case of most who design to teach others about god, it's where his head was that I have trouble with .
Still, I'm sure that book is a big part of why we have a kinder, gentler Christianity today than we did 80 years ago. Indirectly, he's even affected the WT organization, I'd wager.
Mere Christianity looks like something I would be interested in reading...I'll have to get back to you on that.
Maybe you should read it, then tell us what it says, then we will tell you what we think about how you think about the book.
You'll find a number of critiques of the book here: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/theism/christianity/apologetics.html#lewis
- Jan
I was reading through some sample pages and it looks pretty interesting and does seem to make sense. It is something I would read. I kind of analyze things to death and like things that make me go "Hmmm.." but most of you already know that.