by PELE 9 Replies latest jw friends
X marks the spot, eh, Pele?
Cheers, Ozzie
Hi Ozzie,
Nice to met you! Sorry my bad english , I could not understand what you mean.
Ah, Pele, if only we had access to the contents of your hard drive...*sigh*
I can think of a solution SYN!
All PELE needs to do is e-mail all 5,944 of us with "five.jpg". We save the attachment to c:/five.jpg, and then we will all see the picture!
Thank you very much, Pele!
There is only a red box where you have posted a pic, can you fix it?
Why do you people have to be so sarcastic?
Pele, apparently you have not done the "exact" avenues you need to go through to post this picture. I do not know what it takes...but apparently certain people seem to think that if they are 1/2 of 1% ahead of you...they can make fun of you.
Pele, if you ask real nice, maybe someone that is not sarcastic or judgmental....may be able to help you to "post" a picture.
I would like to know myself how to post pictures on here...but, there are too many who want to belittle us for lack of knowledge. And therefore...I DON'T CARE TO KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!!
For those of you that feel that it "improves" your "class" in life to ridicule...go ahead...some of us don't have the savvy needed. Some, because we can't grasp the oncept and some because....WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT!!!
D & C,
Not sarcasm surely? Just a little light hearted banter maybe.
DazedAndConfused . Sorry!
No need to get all upset over the ribbing handed out. We have all posted a red Xbefore when trying to post a picture. There are web sites that can be used to host the pictures, but I got tired of switching and searching for them, so I just use my personal web page included in my monthly earthlink account.
Sometimes, it actually works too
Lew W