Influence of Death in the Mind

by ivanatahan 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ivanatahan

    Most meetings and congregations stress the idea that Jehovah's Witnesses will live forever on a paradise earth. Most JWs are always "comforting" others about how death is only temporary. Then you get those JWs who are scared of death. Why? Don't they believe that they'll live forever in "Paradise?"

    I personally never truly feared death. I accepted it. Even as a believer, I accepted death as an end, even if it meant I could get a "one way ticket to paradise." As I matured, I really did start to accept death as an experience nobody can explain, even JWs. I know my mother is scared of death, and so are so many other JWs. They don't accept death as the end of it all, and so they resort to cults such as the Jehovah's Witnesses, since it assures them they'll live forever in paradise.

    The same is true for many people world wide, and it's obvious people who truly follow a religion such as Christianity most likely do so because they don't accept that death is the end. They want something more after their journey in this world. So could it be that people such as ourselves have accepted death as the end, and so don't need a religion or any set of beliefs to comfort us? I feel stupid for asking, but maybe some of us haven't realized this.

    I thus feel acceptance of death is the basis for sound and logical reasoning in relation to how we live life. Those who accept death as the end live life as they want, fully aware they may die tomorrow. They don't worry about what happens after death and don't base their life philosophy off of any ideas nobody can prove. Who could argue? Sadly, most people don't want to live life like that because then they're admitting to defeat when they die.

    I'd agree religion exists to comfort those who fear life. They fear death and all the troubles they experience. This sounds very harsh and cold and should be taken with a grain of salt, but my more extremist side must admit that anyone who feels that they need to be comforted and assured of made up beliefs about the troubles in life and death really needs to man up and accept that there's no way to know what happens after death and accept that life is the way it is because that's the way the world works. It's the unfortunate (as some may say) side effect of evolution.

    Naturally, I accept people of all kinds, and look passed their beliefs because I know for a fact I can't disprove any god and it would be unwise to call someone's beliefs stupid, even though I may have done so in this post.

    I feel I've pointed out a fairly obvious and possibly controversial point, but if anyone has any thoughts, I'd like to hear them.

  • LisaRose
    I have never feared death either, I don't know why. It just seems like it's an end, you will be dead and not aware of it, so what's to fear? Maybe some people are more afraid of change, so it's the thought of change that scares them, idk. I was always interested in what's around the corner, not what's behind me.
  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2
    I am not afraid of being dead because I won't be aware that I am dead, but I am more afraid of how I will die and whether it will be quick or prolonged. There is a very small part of me that hopes death won't be the end and that there is something more. I secretly have hoped that we do go to heaven and I can say to all the jws, you were wrong! Lol
  • Doltologist

    Until about the 13 century, or there abouts, Man did not fear death to the extent he does now. It was just part of life. It appears that the fear of death only came about as a result of the spread of christinsanity and christards making people aware of their invention of heaven and hell. Prior to that point, when Man died, he automatically went to the 'afterlife' which was ONE place, not two.

    Christards spread their shyte upon the Earth and used their concept of heaven and hell to control the populace. Then, they come along with their religion that shows people how to be good little christards (obey the church and give it all of your worldly goods) so that the church can live a fat cat life and you can avoid going to hell.

    Thanks christards for that. You got people scared of death.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    You remember on STAR TREK when everyone would get transported down to the surface and it only took a few seconds? There's always been a debate over whether the people beaming down were the same people who appeared at the destination or were they reconstituted copies? Yes, they all appeared to be the same lovable people who stepped on the transporter, but they were clearly not made up of the same molecules as those who were disintegrated aboard the ship. Naturally those who were had the same memories as those who were disintegrated on the ship; to them it appeared only a few seconds had passed, but were they originals or were they Memorex?

    People dying on Earth cease to exist, we're told. They take their last breath and then croak. But then cometh the resurrection and everyone is resurrected. But are they the same beings, or does Jehovah re-create them? According to JW doctrine, they're re-created. They all have the same memories as the originals, but the originals are dead...DED...dead! Those who are resurrected are recreations. Same thoughts, same memories.

    Remember when Captain Kirk gets in a transporter accident and is spit in two? One of him was good, the other evil. QUESTION: Where was Captain Kirk -- the real Captain Kirk -- while his doubles were causing all the trouble? Ever seen a photo taken years before you were born and wonder, "Where was I when this photo was taken?" You see the same familiar things. Mountains, the ocean, rain, and yes, for some of you, even a young Captain Kirk!

    According to JW doctrine, you weren't anywhere. And when you die you're not anywhere. Then, there you are again! But are you you, or just someone who has your looks and memories? Wouldn't you be scared 😨?
  • prologos
    I do not know about the brain, but the rest of my body recreates itself all the time even in the 9st decade I am now living. Am I the same person? of course not. it is experience and physics, chemistry that have changed me. Recreation after death? a rapture to a different realm? ach was. not even wait and see, do not wait. live now. Recreation aka vacation & fun now.
  • Heaven

    Religion sets mankind up on a pedestal. It has separated humans from the natural world, stating crap like the Earth was ideally made for us and that we are to subdue it. Getting educated about the natural world is key.

    There are Laws of Life. In my studies, I have learned this:

    Without Death There Would Be No Life.

    Humans are not exempt from this Law.

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