If the society says "JUMP" do you ASK...

by nicolaou 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Not every JW is thick. In fact I'd say that most of them are just misguided.
    Still, I was wondering how many types of JW we could define according to their response to a simple, direct instruction from the Society.

    Let's say this fictional directive from the GB is: "JUMP"!

    What responses would various JW's give?

    I'll give a few of the obvious ones.

    r&f = "okay"
    brown nosers = "how high"
    prophecy junkies = "when"

    inactives = "what the bl8@*y hell for"!

    now over to you guys



  • philo


    Spiritually weak JW: "But I have a wife, and an ox."

    Elder JW: "I'll get the brothers right on it"

    Sister JW: "Who are you calling fat?"

    Independent thinker JW: ""

  • conflicted


    Spiritually Weak - "Where does the bible say that?"

    Congragation Overseer - "I cant see the air under your feet"

    Full Time Pioneer - "I can jump higher than everyone else"

    Bible Study Conductor - "This weeks spiritual food is 'Jump!', so we must not ponder why this command is given, but rather, obey the Faithful and Descreet Slave and thank them in our prayers for delivering this word of Jehovah to us at the proper time. The question for this paragraph is in two parts, A) What is the current food at the proper time delivered by the F&DS? B) What should we all do with this spiritual revelation in this time of the end?

  • Jr



  • eyes_opened

    ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........Oh! sorry. The bible study conductor put me to sleep. Again. LOL


    Guilty J-dub: ok! there now my conscience has been assuaged seeing as I did what I was *supposed* to do. Can I enjoy the rest of my day now? Or should I jump again to earn more points?

  • Focus

    WTS command: JUMP

    Apostate: Well, you might as well obey, for that's as close to Heaven as you'll get if you follow the Watchtower (even by its own teachings - First Class Dubs excepted)

    (SuperPostate-of-Lime Class)

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