In the beginning...

by The_Bad_Seed 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • The_Bad_Seed

    There are far less JW posters on this site than I had originally thought there would be, and was happy to find far more XJW's than I thought existed on the internet, and am curious if it was Simons intention to create a board solely for Jehovahs Witnesses thoughts or interpretations in the beginning, or if he had intended this site to become a 'meet and greet' for those who left (or got booted from) the Borg, or both?

    The reason I ask, is that the WTS teaches that surfing the internet 'while being an educational tool' is roughly the equivalent of camping out in Satans colon, and I can only imagine a site not (just an educated guess) sponsored by the WTS with the slogan "Discussion forum for anything JW related...everyone is welcome!" could only seen as a roadmap into the Devils gaping piehole.

    I'm pretty green around here, and was just wondering.

  • Robdar

    Hi The Bad Seed,

    LOL at the visuals: "equivalent of camping out in Satans colon" and "could only seen as a roadmap into the Devils gaping piehole."

    Welcome to the forum.


    Edited by - robdar on 8 July 2002 12:0:20

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    "camping out in Satans colon". that's a good one

  • crawdad2

    hi bad seed,............ one thing about camping in satan's colon...........there's lots of room and a variety of smells, and activities............ unlike camping in the gov body's colon, where victims starve, suffocate, and die,... and then are expelled.

  • The_Bad_Seed

    So, my original question remains to be answered...

  • logical

    i think it was originally for JW's, but Simon at the time was realising what the JW's really were, and it turned into whatever it is now

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