Why does Jehovah's name appear in the King James Version of the Bible only four times?
Jehovah's Name In The Bible
by Curious1 2 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sadly, No I don't. I was wondering because I work with a Jehovah witness and he asked me this question so that I would have to do some research. Even after my research I was unable to find the answer so I decided to ask you guys/gals to see if you could help me.
Thankfully, today he told me the answer. The reason that gods name is only in the bible four times instead of over 7,000 like the original scriptures is because the people (monks I think) had to wash their hands before they wrote Jehovah (gods name). And that is why the new bible, by new I mean the King James Version which came out around 1620, only has gods name four times.
Sorry for bothering you all but thanks for the time.
C Ya Later
Are you doing everything in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Colossians 3:17.