Panorama - Preview Ads Already Airing

by zenpunk 9 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • zenpunk

    I have family that lives in the UK and they told me that adverts are already running for Sunday's installment dealing with the JW coverup. Unfortunately, because I have been labeled an apostate by everyone, they quick stopped themselves before telling me about the content, stating that I really didn't need to hear it.

    Has anyone seen these ads? What do they say about the content of the show?

  • ballistic

    This is bigger over here than you can possibly imagine. You know us Brits, always under-stated.

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    The one I saw has a man in a suit with a briefcase walking down the street holding a little girl by the hand while the announcer says: "Next week Panorama investigates how the Jehovah's Witnesses protect paedophiles and put children at risk"

    ballistic is right - BBC1 is the most watched channel in the UK - no JW over here is going to be able to avoid this.

  • Englishman

    What an incredible co-incidence that over 700 UK elders received letters informing them that the BBC had evidence of paedophile activity!

    I wonder who sent 'em? Surely it wasn't a dozen or so UK apostates who organised this?


  • City Fan
    City Fan


    Whoever organised this has put the biggest nail in the UK WTS coffin to date and deserves complete admiration.

    Well done.

  • ISP

    Yep........I got a call to say that they had seen the preview ad. Woohoo!!!!!!


  • Englishman

    Betcha there a letter from the WT to all UK congregations this SM & MS!

    ..blah blah, bad associations via the telly...blah blah blah, don't swith it on and let in the deeminz, blah blah blah, persecution about paedophiles sign we're in last days blah blah.



  • ISP

    Its on I think 10.15 pm. Most dubs will be in bed!


  • home_and_dry

    I do believe (and don't quote me because I'm not 100% sure) that UK Elders recently got a letter similar to the one sent out in America just before Dateline aired, basically reinforcing the 'procedure' with accusations of Child Molestation.

    And I know for a fact that the PO in my old cong had no idea about Panorama until I mentioned it to him the other day. Oh what a joy his face was! Seems as though there really was no warning about this!

    Oh, and my old PO will soon be viewing the Dateline programme too, courtesy of me! I am having a great week! LOL

  • Englishman

    The info is now up on screen.

    Sky Digital: TV guide - 101 - yellow button 5 times - right hand blue arrow until 10. 15, click "i". It says exactly the same as the website.


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