Who's will is it?

by freemindfade 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freemindfade

    In our super cappy fallacious public talk today. I kept hearing "we do jehovahs will" "do jehovahs will" "not our will...jehovahs" there was a lot of crap in the talk to be irritated by. But this got me thinking...

    If you are REQUIRED Under penalty of death! To do someone elses WILL do you really have FREE WILL?

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  • nelim
    Good point. Without trying to sound like a nitpicker; in general... Yes, you can have free will when you are able to choose to do someone's will (wishes). But it's not free will anymore when it turns into a no-choice (fear of losing family+friends for example). So.... another case of misleading argumentation from the WTS.
  • fastJehu

    Jehova holds a gun to my head and says: "Do my will - or you will die."

    No free will at all.

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  • StrongHaiku
    It is "free will" in the same way the Mafia comes to you and offers you a deal you can't refuse. "You have a nice life. I'd be a shame if something happened to it..."
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  • freemindfade
    Nelim I get what you are saying. In this talk though he was basically emphasizing (way too much) humans are capable of so much art. Music. Science science and technology. But we will never be capable of living our lives by our own will. So what's the point? Are we just creative robots?
  • _Morpheus
    I find it interesting that jw's compare the time the desert is allowing to pass to a court cass being made for mans rule. If you take the same court case analogy the desert god is guilty of coercion on all mankind, mafia style. In true darth vader fashion he offers "join me or die". Nice job outta you, shepherder diety.
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  • leaving_quietly

    The court case analogy is interesting. I recently thought about that a little bit. In the U.S. legal system, what the organization says about God is equivalent to witness tampering and bribery. In a real court, there would also have to be an unbiased jury who would hear the evidence. In the JW model, the jury is a mysterious group of anointed people who are "on Jehovah's side".

    Of course, anyone reading the Bible would realize that God's sovereignty, authority or right to rule was never questioned. What was questioned by the serpent/Satan was whether God was withholding something from Adam and Eve that would make them "like God". And what was questioned in the case of Job was what would a man be willing to do to save his own skin, including cursing God. That was not a question of God's authority, or right to rule. I liken this to a president of a country. If he's lawfully elected, no one questions whether he has the right to rule in his position. They may very well question his ability to rule, and they may even curse him, perhaps even to his face. But his right to rule was legally established, so that's not a question. If it were a question, then cries for impeachment wouldn't happen. Impeachment is, in essence, the legal process of revoking the right to rule. Same with God. His sovereignty, authority and right to rule were never questioned by Satan, thus the JW organization is chasing a red herring on this one.

  • freemindfade

    The Christian God is defined as a personal being who knows everything. According to Christians, personal beings have free will.

    In order to have free will, you must have more than one option, each of which is avoidable. This means that before you make a choice, there must be a state of uncertainty during a period of potential: you cannot know the future. Even if you think you can predict your decision, if you claim to have free will, you must admit the potential (if not the desire) to change your mind before the decision is final.

    A being who knows everything can have no "state of uncertainty." It knows its choices in advance. This means that it has no potential to avoid its choices, and therefore lacks free will. Since a being that lacks free will is not a personal being, a personal being who knows everything cannot exist.

    Therefore, the Christian God does not exist.


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