Future Topics

by Guest 77 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I'm surprised that the Society hasn't come out with new topics such as "Stay The Course" "Don't Rock The Boat or rather The Boat Is being Rocked, Sign Of The End!" It can go either way.

    Just as the the ark was tossed around in the raging rough waters, so to the Society (ark) is going through rough waters/times 'within' the organization, these raging waters are the apostates who are rocking the boat. 'Stay The Course' would be a follow-up article, what do you think? Or, the boat is being rocked by apostates, this is a sure sign that we are 'within'the time limit of the end. Ah, my mind had nothing else to do this morning, if this doesn't agree with you, disregard it.

    Guest 77

  • LyinEyes

    I have had no sleep in 2 days, and I think a freakin spider bite me on the elbow, so I may be delusional!!!! :)

    I have jumped ship( ark), swimming for my life, ahhh not to worry I have my own self inflating life raft.

    I think it is called JWD............. we all have one , we just didnt know it, just pull the cord and you will keep afloat. Hang on for dear life, like Tom Hanks in "castaway", we will find dry land soon.

  • Marilyn

    Anther one they've missed is: Would you believe anything your ex wife or ex husband said? So why believe anything an exjw says? Though totally misleading, the Society likes these kinds of spurious analogies - it appeals to the simple minds they've created.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    Just as the the ark was tossed around in the raging rough waters, so to the Society (ark) is going through rough waters/times 'within' the organization, these raging waters are the apostates who are rocking the boat. 'Stay The Course' would be a follow-up article, what do you think? Or, the boat is being rocked by apostates, this is a sure sign that we are 'within'the time limit of the end.

    isn't it exciting? apostates must have a lot of power for the society to keep publishing all these little bulletins warning 'the flock' about their activities. one can take an agressive approach, such as one poster who suggested crashing an assembly, or a more passive approach... for example, i scored four tracts within two days. there's this little laudromat right by my bank, and i've never been in there. but after conducting my business at the bank, i nonchalantly strolled into the launderette and spotted a watchtower and awake! magazine on a table right in the front. rather than snatch them right away (because there was a lady and little girl folding laundry right there), i walked the whole length of the interior to see if i could find more. there were only the two tracts in the front, so i just walked up and took them. when i got to my car, my son was wondering why i wanted to stop in a launderette, since i have never been known for doing such things. when he saw the tracts in my hand he said ooh you really hate the witnesses don't you and i explained that i just was doing something i felt i had to do. the next day, alone, i happened to be driving back from my brother's house and spotted another laundromat and did the same thing. i've never taken anything in my life. i wonder if i could get arrested for this.

    Ah, my mind had nothing else to do this morning, if this doesn't agree with you, disregard it.

    i like that little "disregard" thingie. i think i'll start putting that in all of my posts

    Edited by - Incense_and_Peppermints on 10 July 2002 11:13:14

  • IslandWoman

    Guest 77,

    How about, "FORGIVE US!"

    What am I thinking of???!!!

    That would be something David, Jeremiah, Abraham, Jacob, Peter, John and Nicodemus would have said. The men residing in the "holy of holies" in Brooklyn would NEVER write an article asking for forgiveness!

    Let's see.... how about this one: "IT WASN'T ME!!" Yes, I could picture the GB writing that!


  • SYN

    The REAL question is, why the hell would we care? The goings-on in the Society are about as interesting to me right now as the Special Theory of Relativity is to your average French Escargot - they could get the GB to run about wearing big pink floppy hats and nothing else down the halls of Bethel and I wouldn't give a toss, honesty. What I do care about are their victimization and murderous actions - the Blood Issue and the Silentlambs stuff. As long as we Apostates are having an impact, things are going well and we need to keep it up. There are still children who are in danger, and other fellow humans who might die following some dimwit's fanciful interpretation of a 4000 year-old book!!!!!!!!

    On the other hand, this sort of thing has already begun happening, I'm sure. Remember, one of the signs of the "last days" is the that Organization would be "attacked" by Governments. I'm 100% sure the GB are going to construe any laws passed to force them to reveal pedo-info as "persecution" and a "sign of the end". That is beyond a doubt.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Thanks for your thoughts and comments. You all be good now.

    Guest 77

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