by Dogpatch 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch


    Thursday, March 01, 2001
    06:51 PM
    Back in 1996 upon return from the Thursday night meeting my third daughter told me of something that had happened behind the KH that night after meeting. The son of one of the elders in this congregation had forced her down on the ground and put his hands down her panties. There were other children in the area but either they didn't see clearly in the dark or didn't understand what was going on. I frankly didn't know what to think and probably would have blown it off if her younger sister hadn't come in and told me that this young brother (who also lives next door to us) had been doing the same thing to her when she would over at their home. Another daughter came in then and told me that the boy had grabbed her breast that night also, hard enough to cause her pain. I immediately called the KH knowing the family would still be there. The boy's father, the elder, answered the phone. I told him what the girls had told me and he assured me that he was very sorry and he would take care of things. I felt that the safety of my four daughters would be taken into consideration and the boy would be disciplined. (I did not call the police because the boy was only 14.) Well, on Sunday morning during the WT study this boy was not only commenting but he was running the mic's. I knew that there had been nothing done about this. I called the PO and asked him about it. He said that the elder had told him about my call but didn't think there was any truth to it so nothing had been done. I asked the elder why no one had called us to see if this thing was true...we had three "witnesses" to this. He said that he would look into it and knew that I wasn't just trying to stir up trouble in the congregation since I hadn't called the police. I told him the only reason I hadn't called the police was because the boy was a juvenile. Two elders came to our home and talked to my girls. But as far as I know nothing was done in the congregation. I was assured that the boy would stay away from my girls and when he saw them outside he would go back inside. I had really bad feelings about this because I felt that my girls and their feelings had not been validated by the elder body. In fact I was to discover that this boys grandfather, also an elder, told someone that it had been my daughter that had rubbed her privates up on his grandson and that we were a family of liars. Shortly after I heard this I had a visit from the CO and the PO, I mentioned this to the CO. I was astounded when I found out that the CO was unaware of any of this. I guess I had thought the CO would be aware of any judicial matters that had occurred in the congregation...either he wasn't made aware or no judicial action had been taken. I also had received a phone call from another elder who had found a note in his car during all this naming this young brother and asking that the previous CO "do something" about this young brother. This elder wasn't aware of any of it but I was told the CO refused to do anything about it since the accused has the right to face his accuser and there had to be two witnesses to any occurrence. I have since left the organization, though I have not written the DA letter. The friend who told he about being called a family of liars has too left the organization...his family was severely stumbled when this same young man was caught stealing pornography from a local business they were may not have been found out if the video tape hadn't tripped the alarm and the police showed up. The friend begged the police to forget about it, it had been a mistake, but he figured it would be taken care of in the congregation. The boy's father "stepped down" for one meeting and the boy had to give a talk in the TMS on the evils of pornography. What I see here is a pedophile in the making...the young brother is 19 now, in good standing as far as I know, and in contact with many young children in the congregation and community. My girls are now safe...but what of all those who don't know what he is and what he may become?

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