1981-1991 census results for JWs (found in the 1991 census book)
1981 - 51,800 - 0.4% of the population
1991 - 74,800 - 0.4% of the population
44.4% of growth between 1981 and 1991.
2001 Census results for JWs.
Male - 35,684
Female - 45,385
Total JWs in census - 81,069
Total JWs in Australia - 57,000-59,000 depending on time of year.
JWs have been in decline here since 1996.
Rank - Christian religion section.
1981 - #11
1991 - #10
2001 - #10
In the 2001 census, JW are between the Pentacostals (JWs 30,000 behind) and the Salvo's (JWs 10,000 in front of). After the Pentacostals, JW's have got a long way to go to catch up with the Lutherans, Catholics and the Anglicans.
From AK