A few Racist quotes from the past

by Scorpion 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Scorpion

    1900 "There are probably as many as a hundred colored brethren on the Watch
    Tower lists, some of them very clear in the truth, and very earnest in its service,
    financially and other-wise .. [but they are not allowed to participate in the "pioneer
    work" as] although we have received letters from several of these, who had intended
    engaging in the volunteer work, expressing surprise that in the call for volunteers in
    the March 1, 1900 issue we restricted the inquiry to white Protestant churches. ..
    The reason is that so far as we are able to judge, colored people have less education
    than whites - many of them quite insufficient to permit them to profit by such reading
    as we have to give forth. Our conclusion therefore is based upon the supposition that
    reading matter distributed to a colored congregation would more than half of it be
    utterly wasted, and a very small percentage indeed likely to yield good results. We
    advise, therefore, that where the Watch Tower literature is introduced to colored
    people it be not by promiscuous circulation, but only to those who give evidence of
    some ear for the truth. {ZWT Apr 15 1900 122}

    1901 "'It too often happens that, while the negro rapidly masters the rules and
    regulations of the Christian religion, he still continues to be gross, immoral, and
    deceitful. They (missionaries) may have succeeded in turning their disciples into
    professing Catholics, Anglicans, or Baptists; but the impartial observer is surprised to
    find that adultery, drunkenness, and lying are more apparent among the converts than
    among their heathen brethren.' And again: 'I regret to say that, with a few - very rare
    - exceptions, those native African pastors, teachers, and catechists whom I have met
    have been all, more or less, bad men. They attempted to veil an unbridled immorality
    with an unblushing hypocrisy and a profane display of mouth-religion which, to an
    honest mind, seemed even more disgusting than the immorality itself. While it was
    apparent that not one particle of true religion had made its way into their gross
    minds, it was also evident that the spirit of sturdy manliness which was present in
    their savage forefathers found no place in their false, cowardly natures.." [Given as a
    quotation by Russell without adverse comment] {ZWT Aug 15 1901 266}

  • Kenneson

    I have read a couple of good papers on this topic. One is entitled "Jehovah's Witnesses, Blacks and Discrimination" and can be viewed at:


    The other is found at:


  • JanH

    Thanks for sharing those quotes. Of course, a hundred years ago what we now call racism was almost universal. It was even accepted in mainstream science and among most academics that other races were inferior to caucasians.

    This was, mind you, before even the most civilized countries had allowed women the right to vote. Things do change.

    This is perhaps an excuse for Russell as a person, being a man of his age, but it is still damning for anyone who claims that this he was somehow God's channel of communication to man.

    - Jan

  • JT

    you are the greatest my wife just asked me last night about some racial quotes and i told her all i have is the cdrom and it doesn't go far enough back



  • JT

    *** ce 199 17 Can You Trust the Bible? ***

    MANY view the Bible simply as a book written by wise men of a bygone era. A university professor, Gerald A. Larue, asserted: "The views of the writers as expressed in the Bible reflect the ideas, beliefs, and concepts current in their own times and are limited by the extent of knowledge in those times." 1 Yet the Bible claims to be a book inspired by God. (2 Timothy 3:16) If this is true, it would surely be free from mistaken views prevailing at the time its various parts were written. Can the Bible withstand examination in the light of present knowledge?

    *** ce 207 17 Can You Trust the Bible? ***

    the Bibles wisdom is far ahead of modern discoveries


    Many point to the views of THE DAYbe it 1600's 1800s or 21 st century---

    well that raises the question if the bible is suppose to be so far ahead of others why is the most basic thing " GETTING ALONG WITH FOLKS" who may not look like you so far behind in both the bible and those who have used it

    You would think that with the bible in hand any religious person would have been the first person on the band wagon to do away with racism, yet it has often been the most religious folks who have held on to such beliefs

  • Scorpion

    You are right Jan. At that time what was stated about blacks was highly accepted among most caucasions.

    For Russell to be God's servant and saying what he said, must have shown that he served a prejudice God and one that did not look at each individual equally and weigh their heart condition but looked at the skin color and weighed his decision on that.


  • Scorpion


    Your site is one of my favorites. I use it periodically.


  • minimus

    Charles Taze Russell was the Laodecian Messenger.He was viewed as the Faithful Slave. Brother Russell was appointed by God himself to perform a special work in the time of the end. Whatever Brother Russell taught could be properly viewed as from Jehovah.I think RR will agree with this.

  • Scorpion


    I am sure RR will agree with many things Russell claimed about himself and what he stated. I am not sure though that RR will agree with what you said," Whatever brother Russell taught could be properly veiwed as from Jehovah."

    There were many things Russell said that were just flat out rediculous.

    White people living in China eventually produce Chinese offspring-without intermarrying-due to the influence of soil and climate. WT 7/15/1902,p.3043

    1913"Some have a strong desire to worship God, others have a weak desire, and others have no desire at all. This difference is due to the shape of the brain. Mankind are born with differences in this respect. -'Psa. 51:5'" {WR Mar 15 1913 5201}

    1915 "Man's head is shaped differently; therefore he can think of subjects about which the lower animals cannot think .. A man with a head of a given shape cannot think with the same breadth of mind as a man with a better shaped head - a man who is less fallen. Some have lost more, others less, of the original perfection, of the original intelligence, given man in his creation." {WR Jan 15 1915 5611}


  • minimus

    Scorpion,that's a great quote about a better shaped head...lol

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