OKAY Wholewheat- PROVE IT

by xenawarrior 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • xenawarrior

    ""Did you know that leading shrinks have said that the best way to recover from being a JW is to not look at yourself as an ex-witness?"

    Who said this?

    What leading shrink(s)?

    Where is this written?

    Back up what you say now.........................................

    ~XW- needing verification of "facts"

  • 2SYN

    Yes, don't look at yourself as an XJW, just look at yourself as a human being. Works wonders, lemme tell ya. I know it can be hard to get out of the rigmarole of the JW life, but you've gotta do it for your own sake...good luck man, hope things are going well that side.

  • Bang

    Look at yourself not simply as a victim, but as a perpetrator of jwism also.


  • onacruse

    Wholewheat/Milky/KJV/whoever you are:

    On chat (w/i the last hour) you were a remarkable combination of stupid/schizo/conflicted. You have been "weighed and found wanting."

    My first flame-war. I don't thank you.

    GO AWAY!!!!

  • crawdad2

    i don't know what whole wheat is doing, ............ but i have talked to lot's of supporters of the gov body, who would love for ex-jws to just move on, and stop screaming about all the abuse they have suffered, and the abuse that members are currently going through.

    these discussion boards are one of the biggest threats to the gov body.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    There are stages to recovery. You can't recover from something if you don't at first label it. Identifyying oneslef as an ex-JW gives us a set of variables that have influenced our lives. I is a beginning to taking the abstract into the concrete. WEe can then define a set of events or beleifs that define where we are now. The damage the WTS does to its members is enormous. It requires looking at each aspect and dealing with it. If one doesn't do this work it will stay with them. The only way to be free is to deal with it.

    And since being a JW was such a big part of my life so will being an ex-JW. It won't be all of it but it will be a big part

  • Valis

    Just so everyone is clear.....this thread was spawned by wholwheat troll boy's rude, offensive, assinine, and terribly insulting remarks to xenawarrior + others...in chat early this morning. We won't talk about the threats of violence...(I think cowboy was getting scared..*LOL*).....

    Otherwise, I just wanted to chime in and say that whatever works is best. I'm sure we're all EX Somethingorothers anyway, being all those EX Whatchamacalits make us who we are...besides I don't think you can deny your past either.


    District Overbeer

  • animal

    Maybe thats why I dont have some of the same problems as others in here... if anything, I am an ex-child, now an adult. I dont dwell on any of the JW stuff, in fact I dont do much more than skim over much of the more serious stuff in here since it only "takes me back" to those days.

    Now, I will admit that because of my parents forcing the cult rules on us, it drastically changed my life. I deal with that the only way I can, realistically and positively. Thats the only way to survive in real life, to leave what you can of the past in the past. Of course not everyone can, but I can. It works for me.


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