My mother was chatting between myself and my daughter about something, and as she talked, she was absentmindedly opening her mail. Without any thought about it, she was ripping into the subscription wrapper of a Watchtower. I broke into the conversation to say "that might just be the last time you'll ever do that". She had to ask for clarification on what I was talking about, but when she realized, she looked at the wrapper and said "yeah, in fact it is the last time".
She went on with talking to my daughter, and, bastard son that I am, I had to at least try to plant a seed of doubt and self loathing, otherwise is it in vain that I have become a tool of satan? I broke in once again, "the end of a 125 year tradition!" I said cheerily. She thought for a second, and questioned "125 years?". We spent a moment figuring that out (I think 125 years is about right), and then went on with the original conversation.
Who knows? Might just be one more straw working to break the camels back.
ps. You callin' my mamma a camel??!!