For the newbies and jw lurkers, I 'm posting on this topic again.
"Do not go from house to house" (Jesus Christ)
The apostles did not go from door to door apart from revisiting their own flock in their homes (see Paul). Going from house to house is the sure way to give what is holy to dogs and swine, who then having been instructed proceed to buy, via their own labour, and then learn to attack others by this, thinking themselves more worthy due to their own effort (see Hagar). Good News is not given by them but sold - it comes with an IF, to please the imaginary beast in their heads.
I'm suprised (not) after reading a quote, that no one picked up on their own words about fornicating to spread their seed. We advise, therefore, that where the Watch Tower literature is introduced to colored peopleit be not by promiscuous circulation, but only to those who give evidence of some ear for the truth. ZWT Apr 15 1900 122
Bang, this looks interesting, but I feel you need to elaborate a bit on it. Was this whole thing written in the WT? Is it saying not to bother imparting the good news to coloured people unless they show an exceptional interest? Sorry if I'm being dumber than usual!
Door to Door...hmmm wasn't that a movie w/William H. Macy who played a freaky looking guy w/cerebral plasy that went around and tried to sell people Fuller Brush products from house to house? Some JW correllation there I'm sure.
The italic part was written by the wt I suppose. I only cut and pasted the quote from a different thread. It is an example of their racism - however, by it they reveal even to themselves the spiritual promiscuity of what they're doing, yet don't see it. Going from door to door is against what Jesus advised and delivers what is meant to be holy to anyone who they can spread their seed to.
That's one of the reasons why the wt is full of arrogant assholes. They were plainly told that God said that they could have paradisial things IF they would do what the org said that God tells them to do. The householders agree to buy, and the org backs up the sale with a promise (albeit imaginary), and all to please the imaginary beast in their minds, who doesn't give but sells. Having earnt enough to buy, the arrogant go on to attack those who aren't as worthy as they have become.
That's what "buying and selling" is all about - paying your way to heaven - the wtbts are so into it, they even keep a physical record of your "spiritual work".