Superb British Newspaper Article: Panorama
by AngryXJW 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Thankyou for posting this article.
Lets hope there are a lot more like it and people will finally see the WTBTS for what it really is.
So it's England and Scotland! What country will be next?
Your characterization of this article as "superb" is "spot on!" (lol) It is the finest explanation I have seen in print to date of the problem with WT policy and the Cousins case is a textbook demonstration of how the policy puts additional victims at risk. I am sure it will be lost on no one that Alison would not have suffered repeated abuse at the hands of her self-confessed father-molested had the elders done the moral thing and reported his crimes against her older sister. In addition, the article clearly points out the way the elders actually obstruct justice by their non-cooperation. All in line with decades-old WT policy, of course.
I believe I am copying this article to distribute to as many US witnesses as possible. Other US, Canadian and Aussie posters might consider doing the same.
Thanks for the link.
An excellent article! Thanks for the link! Today is a great day for all Silentlambs everywhere!
Big Tex
It is a good article. Perhaps I'm being cynical, but I cannot help but wonder how much of a difference negative publicity will make. It seems to me the more shows and articles like this, the more the GB will scream Persecution ( TM ) to flock in the hinterlands. Kind of like David Koresh and the ATF, it becomes a self-fulfulling prophecy. It seems as if the only way for real change to take place is to hit them in the pocketbook. The Catholic Church began to make real changes only after a plethora of lawsuits, hundreds of millions of dollars in judgments, and all the negative publicity surrounding each case. As cheap as WTS is, I don't think it will take that much before a "New Light" ( TM ) comes out. In the meantime, sadly, people will continue to be hurt.
Excellent article.....and how terribly frustrating for the poor girls, Alison and her sister!!