WTS on DFing

by Amazing 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The Watchtower publishing corporation loves the DF rule because it isolates JWs from hearing critical information of their business cult, a cult that is disguised as a religion. In the excellent thread yesterday about the 'Hardline' on DFing ... this point was made in the Aug. 2002 KM:

    5. Indeed, it is just as page 31 of the same issue of The Watchtower states: "The fact is that when a Christian gives himself over to sin and has to be disfellowshiped, he forfeits much: his approved standing with God; ... sweet fellowship with the brothers, including much of the association he had with Christian relatives."

    The Watchtower presumption is that a shunned former JW has always given themselves over to sin, and somehow deserve total shunning. The result is that those DF'd or DA'd lose 'sweet fellowship' including that with relatives. This flies in the face of their media site statement, which states:

    Do you shun former members?

    Those who simply leave the faith are not shunned. If, however, someone unrepentantly practices serious sins, such as drunkenness, stealing, or adultery, he will be disfellowshipped and such an individual is avoided by former fellow-worshipers. Every effort is made to help wrongdoers. But if they are unrepentant, the congregation needs to be protected from their influence. The Bible clearly directs: "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves." (1 Corinthians 5:13) What of a man who is disfellowshipped but whose wife and children are still Jehovah's Witnesses? The spiritual ties he had with his family changes, but blood ties remain. The marriage relationship and normal family affections and dealings can continue. As for disfellowshipped relatives not living in the same household, Jehovah's Witnesses apply the Bible's counsel: "Quit mixing with them." (1 Corinthians 5:11) Disfellowshipped individuals may continue to attend religious services and, if they wish, they may receive spiritual counsel from the elders with a view to their being restored. They are always welcome to return to the faith if they reject the improper course of conduct for which they were disfellowshipped.

    Source: http://jw-media.org/beliefs/beliefsfaq.htm

    Yellow highlight, bolding, and underlining are mine

    1. Notice first, that those who simply cease to be involved (fade away) are not shunned? This is a blatant lie, as the Watchtower has instructed JWs to view those who leave in such a manner, and this would include ceasing attending meetings, as 'worldly' and to a JW being 'worldly' means shunning. This was announced at the District Conventions in the Summer of 1992.

    2. Then notice that those DF'd are merely 'avoided' as I yellow highlighted. Avoidance is not the same as deliberate shunning, which is what JWs do.

    3. Then, notice that family ties are only chnaged in a spiritual way, but all else is the same. This gives a non-JW reader that the process means only that the religious aspects are affected, but that otherwise all else stays normal.

    If you click on the word Disfellowshipped or here: http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/1988/4/15/article_01.htm you will see an article on how JWs view DFing as discipline. Again, the presumption is that anyone DF'd or DA'd somehow deserves "discipline" and no allowance is made for other factors.

    The above 3 items noted from their media FAQ demonatrates that the Watchtower Society lies by twisting the impression given to non-JW readers who explore their web site and is clearly inconsistent with the August 2002 Kingdom Ministry monthly phamplet. The inconsistency is nothing but a deliberate lie intended to deceive and cause harm, misleading the innocent public to take them seriously and even induce someone to join them ... and intended to harness JW victims from being fully heard by their friends and relatives still in the religion.

    Finally, they assume that former members somehow live in anguish over lost "sweet fellowwhip" ... something again that twists the truth. I, nor likely most former JWs miss the bulk of JW fellowship, nor do we consider it "sweet" with respect to any so-called 'brotherhood' ... a brotherhood that is no different from an Amway business opportunity ... however ...

    We do miss family ties. We resent the needless broken marriages and family rifts resulting from the total one-sdied shunning that is not told in their media spin article. We mis some really good friends, often such being life-long ... but ... we have discovered that 99% of those that we once thought we 'friends' were nothing more than people who used us, and who we not as genuine a friend as they pretended to be ... just like an Amway friend, you are loved only as long as you are enriching someone else ... but when the dollars stop, then you are quickly forgotten ... they are fake friends ...

    I wrote to or called JW friends when I left the religion. I knew that I was going to be forcibly DA'd ... so I called my closest JW friends to let them know of the injustice, and to try and keep contact ... when I thought about my list ... I boiled it down to about 15 families ... which included the JW who brought me into the religion, and seveal I brought into the religion ... and all of these I knew for many years, most at least 20 to 25 years.

    In the end, out of a total of hundreds of friends, I could only think of 15 families ... and out of these, only one family stuck with us past my DA ... and that lasted about 6 months ... and then we lost them too ... so, essentially, except for the family and friends who came out with us and a few who later joined us ... every last JW friend proved to be anything but a friend ... and as of this writing, I have ceased any interest in any of them ... and while I would consider renewing ties ... I have no thoughts of sewwt fellowship with them ...

    Out side of non-JW friends I have made since then, and some renewed like my life-long best friends, Ken Deal and Bill Voorhis, and of course my family ... I find that you folks here and many other ex-JWs I have met on other forums and at BRCI, etc. are friends. The kind of friends I can trust and would rather have over anyone remaining in the JW organization that I lost.

  • musky

    amazing, Great post! I do think that people who simply are no longer associating with the witnesses are probably not disfellowshipped. However , I think that others in the congregation look at these ones as " spiritually week" and just stop communicating with them. That sound pretty stupid huh? I mean if someone is spiritually week, wouldn't we want to speak more to this one and try to help this one? I had witnesses say to me that if someone wasn't a witness then why be friends with such a person. brainwashing at its finest. musky

  • minimus

    The whole purpose of disfellowshipping is to shame . To shame the "sinner" and to shame anybody that even feels bad for such a one.It is to manipulate and control.When others see the treatment that a disciplined one gets, it serves as a reminder not to misbehave.Examples are given to remind us that if these people were committing the same sins in the days of Israel they would be executed.We have seen how elders aren't quite sure whether or not they should disfellowship someone.But if the decision is to do this, then that's it.Holy spirit was behind it all anyway and if the person is truly repentant then they will eventually get reinstated. So no big deal! If a person suffers from low self esteem or depression....oh well. For years such ones were not encouraged to even get professional help.....DISFELLOWSHIPPING SUCKS

  • outoftheorg

    Go to a recent thread on" HARDLINE ON DISFELLOWSHIPPED ONES"

    You will find that da'd ones and df'd ones are to be treated the same. And the rather subliminal messages leading one to no longer respect a family member. Such as the da'd father and his rights to speak to his children or wife on religeous matters and the encouraged disrespect of this parent.

    Of course all of this is recomended in the most loving manner.

  • LyinEyes

    Amazing , that was very kind of you to say, that you consider us on this board your friends. I have come to realize what the word friend really means. I thought the ones in the borg were my real true friends, but I was wrong. I have not been d/f or d/a and they have not shone much concern in my direction. A few months ago , I had to have a biopsy to check for cancer and was having alot of female troubles. It tooks weeks to find out that everything was fine, which I am so thankful for now. An elder and his wife stopped by to "check" on us and I mentioned my ordeal and that I was waiting to find out the result and how upset I was , being a mother of 3 young kids. I was very scared and didnt know if I would live or die,,,, I know sounds dramatic but even the doctors scared me, and I usually think I am invinsible. Guess what the loving friends in the congregation did for me.............?

    Nothing. Not a call, not a pass this on if you see Dede , not a card . I am not one to expect such things really, and I don't cry if no one cares. But really it just made me more firm in my resolve to stay away from JW's , they have no true love. They were not and are not my friends. My own JW dad doesnt even know about what I went thru, I find it interesting that the local elders here didnt mention it to him. Of course they could have and he just doesnt care to ask , who knows.

    My little incident with the none caring Jw is not an isolated happening , it is happening to all who they consider to be weak or not measure up. It is sad to realize that you thought you had so many friends and how easily it was dissolved. I guess that alone would prove they are not true christians, or they would have love amongst themselves..... we can see that is lacking at great measures.

    I consider many on this board to my true friends too. I have had more support here than I have ever known in my life. When I was sick , there were many of the ladies that shared what they went thru, we laughed about things, and they listened to me worry online. All that was missing was the kitchen table and cups of coffee, between me and my friends. But in my heart they were here with me as if they were literally holding my hand, or had their hand on my shoulder. I will never forget how that made me feel, and how I will always hold those ones dear. They helped me to see how we all can really reach out to each other, even if we are worlds apart. I try to pay back the favor when someone is feeling down, or have lost a friend or family, or maybe they are sick. That is what real friendship is all about, you help and you are helped , you love and you are loved, there is no JW one sided conditional love. I am glad you brought this post up, it has given me some things to think about.

  • blacksheep

    Thank you for posting this. As a dad daughter of a mom and sister who are obviously practicing the neurotic recommendations/guidelines their getting from the WTS, its good to know theres a basis for explanation of their inhumane and unacceptable behavior. And they have to hide it and/or sugar coat it to outsiders, because it just doesnt sound nice, does it?

    Anyone pick up the incredible holier than thou, puritanical, badd versus good attitude the WTS promotes? And they think people WANT to be around those sort of non-humans who perpetuate these doctrines?

    Fosaking the sweet fellowship of relatives? I think Im going to throw up. As a person whose relatives seem to of late want to make it QUITE clear that Im not invited to x event, let me say, my view of them is ANYTHING but sweet. Thin-skinned. Petty. Self-righteous. Confused. Desperate. Mentally ill, yes. think their behavior where their listening to a man-made org tell them how to nnaturally treat their flesh and blood is sick. If thats sweet fellowship, they can have it. Id rather hang out with real people. Thats not family. They dont know the meaning of the word

  • Farkel


    : The whole purpose of disfellowshipping is to shame

    I don't think so. The REAL purpose of disfellowshipping as practiced by the WTS is to CONTROL.

    The dumb-dub "sheep" are controlled in that they cannot discuss with the DFd person what really did or did not happen. They are also kept under the control of fear, knowing that if they step the least out of line, they can face that same fate.

    An innocent DFd person has no one to go to because s/he is shunned by everyone he knows well.

    Control is the key word. Shame is merely a part of that control.


  • minimus


  • gambler

    I belive Dr phill said the worst insult to give to someone is the silent treatment.

  • blondie

    What happens if you are a JW in good standing and your family of JWs is already giving you the silent treatment and then you are DF'd? Stoning?

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