The Old West in the 1800`s WTS/Custers last stand

by OUTLAW 3 Replies latest jw friends


    The 1800`s were the days of the Old West.Alot of interesting things happened during that time period....In 1876 Russell wrote an article entitled"Gentile times:When will they end?"Which was published in George Strorrs periodical The Bible Examiner in the October1876 issue 11....In the same year of 1876 General GeorgeArmstrong Custer and his force of about 260 were massacred by the main Indian strength at the Battle of Little BigHorn....In1884 Charles Taze Russel founded the Watchtower Tract Society....I never thought of WTS starting out in the days of the Old West until I realised Custer and Russel lived duing the same time period...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 14 July 2002 17:43:17

  • minimus

    thank you for that little bit of info.

  • Narcissist

    my gramma told me that the italian guy who delievered custers message BENTEEN, COME QUICK, BRING SUPPLIES, BIG INDIAN VILLIAGE became a bible student and lived at bethel. he was the only one out of custers group that survived the battle. my gramma said it was because he was of the annointed that jehovah spared him. he is mentioned in the book SON OF THE MORNING STAR.



  • Siddhashunyata

    Yes, the times of Russell have much to do with his religious thinking. The Westward expansion, inventions, the industrial revolution, Civil War. Think about the dynamics of the late 1800"s and laminate the 2nd Adventist World View to the science of the day and you will have a brew that will intoxicate any post Calvinist pilgrim.

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