Hi Everyone;
Love to all those victims on tonights programme; what courageous children and teenagers you are.Thanks to Bill Bowen who came across as the voice of calm reason.
The Panorama child abuse programme has just finished.
The Elders and Ted Jaraz(GB) were made to look like inarticulate, weak, men with a lot to hide...which of course they are.
Just thought you'd like to read the excellent quotes by Detective Sergent Jack Zeller, who came across as being honest,upright,strong and compassionate...
Quote...'Sexual abuse of children is not to be tolerated and I don't care what their reasoning was,it was faulted reasoning'(in ref to the non reporting of abuse to the police)
'They were wrong and as far as I am concerned ,they were CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT, that's my take on it'
Reporter; 'Even with just the child's word?
'With one witness?'
'Just the mother?'
'Without the two witnesses their Bible tells them they need?'
Det.Seg ;' Unfortunately, most kids do not have several witnesses observing them when they get raped, thet's the unfortunate part of it'
Det.Seg; 'I can't imagine how badly she(Holly) must have felt not to have been believed by elders in her own close knit community, what a horrible blow to a child this must have been ;SHAME,SHAME ON YOU'.
Powerful stuff;how witnesses who watched all that, with all the graphic facts, could carry on unquestioning this beast of a cult is incomprehendable.
Shame on them all, especially Gilles; his manner and body language while refusing to answer the reporters' questioned condemmed him as a sly,arrogent man.
edited for punctuation in quotes
Edited by - termite 35 on 14 July 2002 19:12:37