A question to all

by ballistic 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ballistic

    What will come of it?

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Hi Ballistic;

    I'd like to say that they will all leave and that all the WTBS buildings will be turned in to centres for cult abuse victims ,financed by the money left in their bank accounts after the compensation for abuse victims has been paid.........

    But .....I expect thay those who had a few doubts will look further in to the society;

    Those who have serious doubts have just watched the straw that broke the camels back;

    Some will leave.

    Most will stay.

    Some will be shocked, but will reason that SOME elders made some bad decisions.

    The GB will somehow walk away clean.

    But that's for those already in...I'm hoping that at best it will at least mark them from the public's point of view, as a religion that's not to be trusted.

    I can imagine the reaction by some I knew; they'll go in to denial;and even call those brave children apostates,as they just turn so viciously, like wounded animals when they're' attacked'.

    I'm not trying to be negative, it's just that unfortunately so many have so much to loose, as we all know, and the fear may keep them hanging on.

    I just hope they get brave and call on me.

    What about you?What do you think?

  • Simon

    I think the pattern we are seing will continue: much-reduced / zero or negative growth in the western, internet-educated lands and taking advantage of those in lands recovering from warm, calamity etc ...

    While there were a number of people warning of the danger of the WTS years ago, potential recruits now have a much more impressive set of resources to warn them - mainstream media programmes such as NBC Dateline and BBC Panorama as well as all the web-sites & books.

    Yes, there will always be some who will believe and follow (you can find people to believe anything) but it will become increasingly difficult to recruit people in the west and those that are recruited will increasingly be the more, er ... 'wierd' ones from society.

  • Jesika

    I hope the policy will change, but if nothing else all the talk will let victims know they do have a choice and there are people who believe them and will try to find justice for them. Jesika Thoman Dallas,Tx

  • ballistic

    Well I think when I posed the question, I was feeling negative as to good results, but I actually think now there could be good effects. Maybe the exposure will actually scare some perpetrators themselves. Maybe it will dwell on the minds of elders who have made bad decisions. It's not just about the r&f leaving because that's not going to happen over night.

    About the decrease Simon, I'm glad every time I see a quick build go up becuase that is one more hall which will only be minimally supported and will really feel the crunch when numbers do drop. I expect the stagnating figures were responsible for the bethel move not going ahead, but individual congregations who have been 'reaching out' for property are not going to see it this way. There has been a 'rush job' here in my home town recently, and although I have been on several quick builds with good results, this one looks really tacky.

  • toddy
  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    In talking to JW's that hang out peddling the Mags. near my train stop, I have discovered that to the average JW it means nothing. The Dateline show was merely an attack against the Org. by Satan.

    I agree with Termite in his/her sentiments.

    The big one for JWs will be when the "Remnant" is zero after the Memorial. Because the big thing is that, that generation will not "pass away" before Armeggedon. Maybe then the theological house of cards will come tumbling down.

    On the other hand, maybe they'll figure out a way to blame the speed of the "Remnant's" demise on Satan too.


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