Look who else is talking about it
by Lady Lee 6 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I wanted to copy this partcular statement before someone deletes it:
Conn Officer
RaillyFrom: Some Off-World Colony
Gender:Man, we were whupped good!
There was a harrowing account of a young sister being abused by her father, turning to the elders and being called a liar. What she didn't know was that 3 years earlier he had confessed to the elders about abusing her sister! When Panorama tried to seize an opportunity to interview one of the elders, he came out with a half-hearted platitude and refused to talk any more.
There were a couple more UK instances - upsetting. What came out over and over was the attitude that elders 'dealt with it' internally, the abusers carried on abusing, that only when victims plucked up the courage to go to the Police (even though they felt that it would be greatly disapproved of) did they get believed and the abuser was brought to justice.
There were testimonies from police investigators. One said that some JWs cooperate fully with the investigation, some don't want to get involved and some wouldn't even speak to him. Another said that in the
incident he was investigating, there were attempts (by elders) to cover up and pervert the course of justice.
Bill Bowen was interviewed and so were the Berry girls and their mother.
There were questions put to Ted Jaracz about the 'database' of offenders at HQ, but he side-stepped those questions and said "The Scriptures say 'Don't go beyond the things written'" and walked off. The only other response from HQ was a package of relevant videos, policy details and publications.
The UK spokesman Paul Gillies refused to comment on individual cases (understandably) but said it was to protect the confidentiality of the victims. Panorama said that some of the victims wanted answers, but an interview was still denied. The reporter phoned him to ask whether suspected abusers are reported to the police and recorded him saying that elders were to contact the legal desk. "Why not your local police?" she asks. "Because we want to protect children". "Are you not in fact protecting the church?" "No, we have a child protection policy".
Now, I recognise that media can edit and slant things but it seems to me that that was a lost opportunity to come clean and set matters straight.
I am disappointed that Organisation spokesmen did not open themselves to interviews and instead a lot of fudging came across.
Maybe the U.S. participants are viewed as 'apostate', but at the UK side, there were only broken youngsters telling their stories.
I am upset that there is this black mark against the people who bear Jehovah's name.
Yet, last week we learnt that Jehovah used His enemy Assyria as a rod to chastise his people Israel. Maybe He's doing the same today.
Apologies if I come over too strong - I'm annoyed.
If you feel you are not properly sedated, call 348-844 immediately. Failure to do so may result in prosecution for criminal drug evasion.Edited by - JanH on 14 July 2002 20:51:11
Lady Lee
Yea that was a nice one
It looks like the JWs in the UK are far less paranoid than the US JWs. A few are actually expressing measured belief that there is a problem.
Thanks JanH. That was very encouraging to read, and it's comforting to know that particular bro/sis wasn't afraid to share his/her thoughts/feelings honestly. He should be given a prize -- a month OFF from field service. :)
I wonder what his comrades at the site will think of it.
A few are actually expressing measured belief that there is a problem.
Yeah, but in general, it seems (at least from over here) that the UK has less of a problem overall with rabid fundamentalism and the type of blind loyalty that makes cults so easy to grow.
And, by extension, those who DO still join them have a measure of more common sense than USians.
At least, it seems that way.
when the reporter asked the elder infront of the kingdom hall, about going to the police, ......he answered something like, "no we have to protect the children"............ that says it all.
Edited by - crawdad2 on 15 July 2002 12:1:59