Need help with a slogan

by PopeOfEruke 3 Replies latest social humour

  • PopeOfEruke

    My friend asks for help.

    There is a Tuesday-evening drinking "club" he has attended for years, called Drinkstag (its in Germany).

    They want a nice slogan for Drinkstag. His best so far is " "Helping ugly people have sex since 1998".

    I think I/we can do better. Any suggestions??

    His Popeness

  • Narcissist

    hi pope. how about.....fuckensie ist gut und beer ist besser.


  • PopeOfEruke

    Not bad Narc!

    Also these aren't bad, I found them on the Net. Pope

    The Top 14 Rejected Slogans for Beer

    Beer: Getting sorority girls knocked up for 300 years

    Goes Down Cold, Comes Up Smooth!

    A decent excuse for your normal clumsy self

    Because You're Sober

    Tastes like piss, but you'll drink it anyway

    Beer: That nasty taste means it's workin'!

    You have to fill your bladder with something.

    Don't Make Germany Angry. You Wouldn't Like Germany When It's Angry.

    We don't make the urine. We make the urine faster.

    Numbing the Embarrassment of Being You

    It's the thicker-chicker-picker-upper!

    Easier to Spell than Whiskey

    The *Other* Thin Yellowish Liquid

    and the Number 1 Rejected Slogan for Beer...

    Beer: It's how you got here.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    What about:

    It won't make your horse run faster, but it sure tastes good!


    Drinkstag - bethst horth pith in thith hole town!


    Be Proud to be a Beer Pot Belly - drink [insert name here]. DOH!

    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 15 July 2002 3:17:28

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