The Sheep Are Questioning on JWZone!

by SYN 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • SYN

    WOW! Never thought I'd see actual critical thought processes in action on JWZone, but as your loyal JWZone snoop, I've uncovered a thread where some "independent thinking" appears to be taking place about PANORAMA!

    I'm shocked!

    Only in one congregation one elder said to the sister who informed him about the programme "Keep it quiet"!

    Oh boy.

    Here, the matter has been virtually drowned out by the continuing Catholic priestly scandals.

    *cough* I suppose the Dub motto is, when in doubt, flame the Catholics!

    Now here, for the benefit of the board, I'm reposting the entire post made by one soon-to-be-XJW!

    Man, we were whupped good!

    There was a harrowing account of a young sister being abused by her father, turning to the elders and being called a liar. What she didn't know was that 3 years earlier he had confessed to the elders about abusing her sister! When Panorama tried to seize an opportunity to interview one of the elders, he came out with a half-hearted platitude and refused to talk any more.

    There were a couple more UK instances - upsetting. What came out over and over was the attitude that elders 'dealt with it' internally, the abusers carried on abusing, that only when victims plucked up the courage to go to the Police (even though they felt that it would be greatly disapproved of) did they get believed and the abuser was brought to justice.

    There were testimonies from police investigators. One said that some JWs cooperate fully with the investigation, some don't want to get involved and some wouldn't even speak to him. Another said that in the
    incident he was investigating, there were attempts (by elders) to cover up and pervert the course of justice.

    Bill Bowen was interviewed and so were the Berry girls and their mother.

    There were questions put to Ted Jaracz about the 'database' of offenders at HQ, but he side-stepped those questions and said "The Scriptures say 'Don't go beyond the things written'" and walked off. The only other response from HQ was a package of relevant videos, policy details and publications.

    The UK spokesman Paul Gillies refused to comment on individual cases (understandably) but said it was to protect the confidentiality of the victims. Panorama said that some of the victims wanted answers, but an interview was still denied. The reporter phoned him to ask whether suspected abusers are reported to the police and recorded him saying that elders were to contact the legal desk. "Why not your local police?" she asks. "Because we want to protect children". "Are you not in fact protecting the church?" "No, we have a child protection policy".

    Now, I recognise that media can edit and slant things but it seems to me that that was a lost opportunity to come clean and set matters straight.

    I am disappointed that Organisation spokesmen did not open themselves to interviews and instead a lot of fudging came across.

    Maybe the U.S. participants are viewed as 'apostate', but at the UK side, there were only broken youngsters telling their stories.

    I am upset that there is this black mark against the people who bear Jehovah's name.

    Yet, last week we learnt that Jehovah used His enemy Assyria as a rod to chastise his people Israel. Maybe He's doing the same today.

    Apologies if I come over too strong - I'm annoyed.

    WOW! That's the closest I've ever seen anyone on that site come to actual logical thought! BRAVO!

    Where injustice has been done, if it has been done, then the individuals responsible will have to answer to Jehovah for it

    Ah yes, "WAIT ON JEHOVAH", that good old Witness edict when dealing with molestation. Excellent. *PUKE*.

  • SYN

    Just realized I basically duplicated LadyLee's post here:


  • Fatal Error
    Fatal Error

    Have you checked the last two posts on that thread SYN? The poster responsible for that message is back on, and stating that the participants in the programme should not be considered as apostates

  • MrMoe

    Security Officer benadam

    The fact is that people may not like Jehovah's Witnesses for one reason or another, but they just have not experienced us as child molesters. That image of us is a "hard sell."

    So he admits he is a sales man 'eh?

  • Gozz

    Security Officer benadam

    "The fact is that people may not like Jehovah's Witnesses for one reason or another, but they just have not experienced us as child molesters."

    Benadam wants to wait till pedophiles amongst JWs begin doing their thing to children at the doors. Sick man. You guys won't get that chance. You wont.


  • SYN


    some that saw the program are completely ignorant of the fact that Bowen has been actively associated over the last couple of years with apostates that has nothing to do with sexual abuse, that he still openly and militantly associates with them and that his agenda has a broader range than the 'helping of the silent lambs'.

    As usual, they are discounting the entire Silentlambs effort just because Bill doesn't agree with all of the policies created by the Governing Body. Delightful. And I was a Witness for how long?

    There was a guy at our District Convention who kept walking around and around inside the convention area who wore a T-shirt with some sort of logo and writing on it, reading something like "JW" with a child in a circle with a diagonal line through it. Really tacky. A couple of "larger built" attendants sort of "herded" him out the door eventually.

    It's the ole "Circle Of Attendants" method in action once again! All right, own up, which one of you scarmunckles was the guy in the T-Shirt?
  • Trauma_Hound

    I haven't met too many attendants that were big enough to escort me anywhere. :smile:

  • SYN

    Maybe all of the marchers at the Silentlambs event in Brooklyn should form a "Circle of Apostates" and herd the Governing Body into the harbour! They'd be pretty pissed off that their Armani suits got damp and would probably disfellowship the whole crowd in one go when they swum out of the water!


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