Show No Mercy

by metatron 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Let the Watchtower's own standards apply to themselves. They love
    to "judge repentance" by taking note of deception, lying, stubborness,
    and making excuses for one's own wrongdoing. Witness the KM article
    on shunning as a response to their own corruption and what sort
    of "mercies" you can expect out of these Theocratic cockroaches.

    Their deceitful and callous response to child molestation - and other
    scandals shows they have no moral center. For them, all ethical
    constraints are to be neglected for their own convenience.

    Let them continue to show the world what the "repentance of Cain"
    means - the sadness that comes when they get caught!

    Don't let up! Don't slow down! The successful way to defeat the
    Watchtower is KEEP CHIPPING AWAY! As in Afghanistan or Vietnam,
    centralized powers lose by being endlessly drained - by decentalized
    warriors. Push them into "downsizing" out of existence.

    Yesterday, I looked over the Watchtower Study article and took
    note of the cheap 'cut and paste' graphics that they repeat
    over and over from one publication to the next. Put that together
    with their 'cut and paste' doctrine - and their toleration of a
    PR spokesman like J.R. and what do you see?

    They don't have the talent - they don't have the trained
    expertise - the inexperienced 'cannon fodder' Bethelites
    aren't efficient. Break down this armies' front line of
    defense and I say they're finished as a coherent (ha ha!)

    The poor folks who deserve mercy are the tired, depressed
    and deluded average Witnesses. Lousy education, crummy jobs,
    little critical thinking ability, and a life of meeting/ Field
    Service ennui doesn't make a pretty picture. The more scandals
    that erupt, the more they try to emphasize shunning , the
    sicker and more suicidial these people will get.
    Think you've heard of 'crazy Witnesses' before?
    You ain't seen 'nothing yet!

    In summary: James was right. Show mercy to those who show mercy

    Not these Theocratic Fascists ....

    metatron (rants make me feel better)

  • Room 215
    Room 215


    It's shocking to observe just how toxic and nightmarish this movement has become! There was a time when congregational discipline was applied judiciously and dfing was only considered as a last resort. I think it's a sign they've lost faith in their own vision.... increasingly impotent at holding their subjects in place as the passage of time deprives their unique chronology-based apocalyptic worldview of any linerging plausibility, they resort to brutish hostage-taking and cut off all avenues of honorable escape..... cowardly bullies!

    And what's so galling is that if once-- just once-- these tyrants had their noses bloodied by just one big law suit and a heavy monetary damage award, you KNOW they would shrivel away, and articles urging ``adjustments'' to these atrocious policies, suitably draped in Scriptural verbiage about ``mercy'' the ``Prodigal Son'' and so forth would appear in a New York minute!

  • Francois

    Great points. In fact their own policies are coming back to bite them in the ass. They didn't want anyone going to college. Now look at what they've got: uneducated semi-cretins attempting to put out original publications several times a month. And add to that the bound books and volumes. Any of you who have ever put out even a four-page newsletter every month know what a giant pain-in-the-ass it is. And editorial writers typically only have to put out three columns a week. No pictures. No nothing. Just words. And it's a bitch.

    So now the society has got it's little stepford bethelites putting out their rag for them. And do you reckon the society has got any spare time on those giant web presses they've got? I don't have the slightest idea if they do or if they don't. But I can tell you as a former print buyer (one of many jobs I've had in my checkered career) that you don't find presses like the society owns on just any street corner. Those things are huge and very sophisticated and they cannot affort to let them sit idle for one hour, or they're losing their ass. Makes ya wonder if they ever act as a job printer with their unused press time. And how much an hour they get for it.

    If I had just one of those giant web presses like the society has I could get rich just taking in jobs from other printers whose presses aren't big enough to handle those kinda jobs. You think we'd ever hear about it? But the most important question is:


    Enquiring minds want to know.


  • SYN

    LOL @ Room 215, a New York minute indeed!

    They don't have the talent - they don't have the trained
    expertise - the inexperienced 'cannon fodder' Bethelites
    aren't efficient. Break down this armies' front line of
    defense and I say they're finished as a coherent (ha ha!)

    Yup - from the stories I've heard here and elsewhere, the Society is basically being led by a bunch of un-educated drones...delightful, innit?

  • worf


    Excellent point about chipping away.Thats just what needs to be done and it will be successful. History shows it. For example Napoleon. He ran roughshod over Russia.He had it in his grip.Then the Russian leaders decided to just chip away little by little and it resulted in them destroying the French army. The same thing is happening to the wts. As long as we don't let up.



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