Washington State Patrol and a JW

by Mulan 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mulan

    Tonight, on our local newscast, there was a commentary about a JW who wanted to be a Washington State Patrolman. He was in the academy, when he realized he couldn't complete the program since he had to not only salute the flag, but pledge his allegiance to the State of Washington. The commentator, gleefully, stated that this man thought he could sue the State Patrol for religious discrimination, but he lost. The judge said he knew the requirements and voluntarily quit the academy. He appealed and lost that round too. The commentator then went on to say that people like this, think the "world owes them a living" and that everyone else has to "adapt to their religious beliefs. Not so this time!"

    We were just howling!!

  • Thirdson


    Can a WS Patrolman go on duty without carrying a gun? How did he expect to get to get around the Watchtower Law (#8645) that no JW may carry a gun as part of his job if the weapon is carried to kill people. (I guess he never got to the point of requesting to take every Tuesday and Thursday night off work.)


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