Just what I needed!

by SpiceItUp 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpiceItUp

    Well..this has been a good day.

    I have been in depression for while now. I just can't seem to break it. But there are good days too. Lately I have been feeling the worse end of it. The almost hopeless end (fortuantely I don't get outright hopeless anymore..those are dangerous for me) was upon me lately and Iknew I needed to do something about it or it would just get worse.

    On Sunday I stopped by a friends house and while I was there another mutual friend popped in as well. We got to talking and he told me about these yoga and Tai Chi classes he was going to at a place not very far from my home. Mind you - I have taken yoga before but stopped due to the distance from my home as well as expenses at that time. I got the times from my friend (Tues & Thurs) and told him I would see him there.

    Well, I was getting ready tonight to go..and the funnie thing was about a half hour before I was going to leave we got this incredible thunder & lightening storm. Now I love storms but I don't like to drive in them but I said screw it I am going to go anyway..so I went down to the place where I found out that it was Tai Chi night not yoga night...I figured what the hey....why not..I have always wanted to try it.

    Anyway......It was just what I needed. I never realized how much I missed those kinds of classes and just how beneficial they are for my mental well-being.

    And to top it off....I'm going to a moon ceremony this Sat as well. For those who aren't familiar with those - It is a Native American Indian ceremony...all about healing and energy and forgiveness. I went to one back in March and it was the most amazing thing. You get smudged with burning Sage and also get to push your negativity into the Tabacco and then burn it away.

    I always find it funnie that when there it something missing from my life...it WILL find its way too me.

    Just wanted to share that with you all....



  • gsx1138

    Good deal. When I get off my lazy ass I'm going to start my yoga and Tai Chi up again (who knows when that'll be). However, I'm used to Tae Kwon Do so it is really hard for me to slow things down to Tai Chi speed. But I think the forms are beautiful. Yoga rocks, I avoided yoga for years because the old JW thing making me think the meditation portion would invite demons into me. Talk about superstitous.

  • sunshineToo

    I'm thinking of Kick-Boxing Aerobic.

  • Mimilly

    Way to go Spice! I use to practice yoga daily, and it's slipped away in my daily schedule now. I miss it. I'm interested in the moon ceremony you spoke of. Who would one speak to about attending one?

    Enquiring minds want to know

    hugs, Mimilly

  • Been there
    Been there

    So happy for you Spice,

    Sounds like you're on your way to recovery!

    I also have found that in my life that things pop up when I need them most.

    I always said, God never gives me what I want, but always gives me what I need.

    Hang in there.

    KY Been

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I took Judo lessons even while being a witness and it was great. What I like about it is, in competition you must execute 'clean' throws otherwise points will go against you. It's great for the mind as it teaches you discipline.

    Guest 77

  • Dismembered

    I love yogurt too!

  • SpiceItUp

    gsx- It was absolutely great because I had to focus on the poses and it didn't allow my mind to wander. That is a big problem for me...I think way toooo much.

    sunshine - let me know how you like that - sounds like it would be fun.

    Mimily - The Moon Ceremony - hmmm....I will ask the ones that host it and see if there is anywhere in particular you should check around. I honestly found out through word of mouth by friends. I met those friends by going to drums circles. I will let you know of any info I can find out for you. What area are you in (state is fine-might give me more to go on)?

    Been there - So true....even if I don't believe in god per se..I always seem to get what I need.

    Guest 77 - I have always been interested in eastern "exercises" of the mind and body. I am a bit of a pacifist so thats why yoga always appealed to me.

    Dismembered - LOL...funnie but I can't stand yogurt unless its frozen, then its ok.

    Thank you all for the support...I am started to feel like my old self again, and it was only one class. I can't till I have been going weekly for a while. Gonna be great!


  • zenpunk

    I have just starting to go to moon ceremonies as well. Except since we are on the east coast we smudge with sweetgrass. I also smudge at home on a weekly basis. I found out last month that my father is half Lenape (native American) so I've been really diving into my native roots.

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