Who among you has ever heard of carnivorous birds, birds of the kind of vulture, increasing in number at lightning speed on some mystery island located on our planet ? Me ! Yes me ! Twice in Europe before 1975, once through a CO talk in a "kingdom" hall and once again by I do not exactly remember who during a JWs' convention. And all this in order to prepare JWs to be as fit as a fiddle for an universal carnage orchestrated supposedly by the true God intending to very soon annihilate "worldly" people not belonging to His chosen ones. At this time as internet was not yet born, no JW could verify the exactitude of such a lugubrious news coming from the now so called WT "dukes and princes" and every JW before 1975 was swallowing this news with delight and some legitimate fear, but above all as a very close expectation of a marvellous deliverance operated by God for JWS only, of course.
Carnivorous birds before 1975
by TheFadingAlbatros 9 Replies latest jw experiences
I remember it, but only as coming from a talk, either local or convention/assembly; no record of it being real. -
There were supposedly news reports backing up "The Birds" I remember hearing it from at least 2 co's and a talk on the dc once. And non stop fild service chatter! And it included all kinds of birds. And just to make it feel even more real, the crow and black bird population was exploding in the big national parks around where we were living! The black birds got so bad the National Guard, had to take steps to kill millions of them! -
I remember hearing things like that from the assemblies. It's funny in about 1973 or 1974 strangely enough turkey vultures showed up here in this area of Canada. My father was totally convinced they were here to deal with the aftermath of Armageddon.
Turns out they were just another species that the government was reintroducing to the area. LOL They had been here for a long time until the settlers shot them all.
Village Idiot
I heard of it once from a brother in a personal conversation. I also recall hearing it from a fundamentalist source. According to the fundamentalist source those birds were gathering in Israel which to them was to be where Armageddon is supposed to have started.
I first heard about this in the 60`s Buzzards and the like were supposedly breeding more chicks than was normal for them , so Armageddon had to be real soon .
oh yeah..........I remember those observations. in fact I recall one very neurotic female pioneer who was freaked out everytime she'd see a crow....and no I am not kidding. -
The pressing implementation of fear has been utilized extensively by the Watchtower Publishing house as a catalyst toward the proliferation of its publications throughout its history.
Ha Ha! I vaguely remember this, all I could think about was the decimation of raptors in the UK due to the insecticide DDT. I hoped we would see more birds of prey here. Strangely enough when I was a child in the 70's buzzards were very rare, they are now the most common bird of prey in the UK.....................Armageddon must be close, -
I thought I remembered it being in a "Watching the World" blurb in the back of a magazine?
Not the stated purpose for the carrion birds - just the fact that their numbers were increasing.