Tacoma Ass--embly

by Cappuccino OC 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC


    My dear aunty, just told me that this last weekend they where admonished not listen to the "secular" news. They gave the example that during Sept 11 all the TV stations had erroneous information. That the REAL truth about Sept 11 & hope came out a couple months later with their "awake" magazine. She added that they will receive all the TRUTH on current events from the WTS. (how Stupid are they?) Apparently it was a bethelite who gave the talk.

    She also added that they warned about persecution (the drama) & how today JW's are being persecuted by the media "newspapers & tv & other means" & that it's all apostate erroneous information.

    What makes me upset is that my dear aunty believes all this Sh-t. She knows what happened to my her niece, my little sister, abused by her own father a JW, (my stepfather) from age 2-17 (1994). Why can't she accept that they are lieing?

    I think that they don't want to loose their "US funds". The biggest contributers to the WTS is from the US congregations.

    Cappuccino OC

    edited for typos - I need my cappuccino

    Edited by - cappuccino OC on 17 July 2002 12:37:21

  • zenpunk

    What mind control - only rely on society based magazines for information?

  • blondie

    The Israelites lived in the land of the Nile and spiritual Israelites and their companions live in the land of DENIAL.

  • SYN

    Tower mind control at full throttle is a rather disconcerting sight from the outside of the BORG!

  • JAVA

    The Society sure doesn't want the Witnesses wasting time watching NBC Dateline, when they could be reading and selling The Watchtower. How far must JWs stick their heads in the sand before reaching the other side of the globe?

  • seven006


    You should talk to Bruce Baker about the Tacoma Dome assemblies. He was the elder who exposed the parking money scandal. He tried to be honest and he got DF"ed for it. Tell your aunt about that little bit of dirt that quickly got swept under the rug. If she is a rank and file JW she will simply rationalize it as the ranting of a now apostate. It's the kind of thing that happens to JW's who actually have a conscience and want to do what's right. Now his own daughter won't talk to him and refuses to let him see his grandson. I drove by the Tacoma dome last week on my way back from Canada and my stomach turned as I watched the people filing out. I remember those days, but I am trying very hard to forget.

    Now I'm on a roll, here's a rant:

    Admonishing their followers not to listening to any out side thinking is the biggest tool used by cults. It is essential to convince the bungled and beguiled that the only true answers to life's problems are kept exclusively by the self proclaimed leaders of that particular cult. Those who buy into such nonsense get exactly what they deserve. Those who have enough self respect to see it for what it is leave and then get branded as an evil apostate. The blanket excuse of keeping the congregation clean is simply a way to keep the congregation ignorant to any thing above a sixth grade level of intelligence.

    The JW's discourage anything that may help a person to think outside of the walls of their fortified vacuum. This type of thinking has always pissed me off and held many of us back from exploring ideas that could have help shape us into better people for the get go. Now we have all had to start this little adventure several paces behind the rest of the pack and we have had to work twice as hard to try and catch up.

    It's illegal to cross the street against a red light but, because of those who hide behind the freedom of religion declaration people are allowed to fill a kids head with so much garbage they become afraid of their own shadow. They distroy a personas life and get away with an absolute crimanal act all in the name of a mythical god. They grow up neurotic, confused, and disorientated to reality and cannot see life outside of the cult that has imprisoned their mind. They are never weaned from the mother cult and are convinced that the life they are experiencing is a happy one. In reality it is a life full of fear, degradation, and a collective thinking that keeps them from growing as an individual. If someone has never experience true happiness they are doomed to remain convinced that what they presently feel is a state of happiness. In actuality it is a state of controlled oblivion mixed with an absolute fear of any kind of individuality. They give their entire life to their mother cult and live their lives according to the life style and selfish inclinations of a few disgruntled and mentally warped leaders.

    I'm done ranting now, Iv had a hard day. I'm going to go start my own cult, I'm just going to take all the teachings of the JW's and have my followers do the exact opposite.

    Iv been away from this board for too long, I think I need a puppy to kick. Where in the hell is Farkel!!!


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